Graphic Cards igfxsrvc.dll

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im sorry im getting so many doubts guys, but heres a new one.

This service called "igfxsrvc" keeps activitating. i searched n founs out that it was intels graphics service.

Can anyone tell me how do ipermanently disable the onboard graphics?

i think it is conflicting with the gfx card drivers.

i checked device manager and cudnt find intel grapfics there.

i guess this is the reason why the games are stuttering:s
Did you uninstall the Intel graphics card drivers before you installed your 6600GT ? Simply uninstalling the device from Device manager will not be enough. Try checking if the Intel Extreme graphics drivers are listed under Add/Remove Programs. Else you can give Driver Cleaner a shot -
^^ darn, thats exactly what i did( uninstalled from the device manager), checked Add/Remove progs,..not there. Will give the app a shot. thanx eddy
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