Car & Bike Illegal Car Parking


I am sure many of us have faced this issue where someone parked there car in front of the house blocking the entrance, Please share your experience and the solution if it exist, I am sick of people blocking my front door and don't show up for 4~5 days. I might just smash the dam car as I can only use my bike for transport for last couple of days.
Get a tow away truck and deliver it to the nearest scrapyard. Earn some money in the process.
Joke apart maybe add a notice board stating exactly this on the front.
In my city independent home owners are placing stones, long sticks, ropes to not allow anyone to park in-front of their homes.
Another complaint of mine is everyone parks their cars outside 24x7(either they don't have car parking or to block others from parking) making normal 2-lane roads to essentially narrow 1-lane
I am sure many of us have faced this issue where someone parked there car in front of the house blocking the entrance, Please share your experience and the solution if it exist, I am sick of people blocking my front door and don't show up for 4~5 days. I might just smash the dam car as I can only use my bike for transport for last couple of days.
Traffic Cones can help you here. That's the only cheap and effective solution instead of going about damaging a car. You are dealing with an audience that severely lacks civic sense so any aggressive actions will only aggravate your problem.
Ideally police should tow them away if you complain. Just in front of a gate, it is axiomatically "No Parking", whether or not there is a board.

Now I'm not saying police always do their job, and there maybe hassle in getting them to do it. But in this case, they have personal interest too, because the owner of the car will come crawling to them and be available to the police for further "business". So they should be enthusiastic about it.

Have you tried calling the police for this stuff? Also, do you have a notice written on your gate to remind people to not park there ? It is not necessary, of course, but might help a bit.
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Print on sticker paper and plaster on windows. First offense, use the adhesive on the sticker paper. If it's removed, use spray-on permanent adhesive.

That's the limit of what the law allows. Anything else, you'd be liable to pay for damages. Deflating tires, smashing windows, pouring enamel paint.

I usually print four copies: front window, two door windows and rear window. It's barely Rs 1 per print and gets my step count up for the day.


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The problem is that no rule defines a designated parking space outside your home. Only if the space falls within your property line then it belong solely to you, preventing others from parking there. But if it’s just outside your home, technically, anyone can park there.

My advice: consider buying inexpensive cars and parking them outside your house. Leave just a single hatchback space between them to prevent others from squeezing in. This way, you can claim more area with fewer cars.

No one can fault you for owning three cars that you don't drive, though it might annoy some. As long as the cars are registered and insured, you’re within your rights. This strategy helps "mark your territory."

And those who park blocking your driveway are the worst, how am I supposed to get my car out? So block your own driveway with one of your own car.
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I tried No parking board but didn't help, people will park there car at 3 am and come back at 4am 2~3 days back. I can see them on CCTV but even if they come during the day its not possible to go and talk to them. I wish there was some kind of service that would charge them hefty fee for blocking someones way.

People that I've asked not to park have thankfully obeyed but there is always someone who is searching for a space.
Another complaint of mine is everyone parks their cars outside 24x7(either they don't have car parking or to block others from parking) making normal 2-lane roads to essentially narrow 1-lane
Agree with your statement. Many people don’t create parking space within their property and instead occupy the public road outside their gate, which narrows the lanes. In some lanes in Hyderabad, I’ve even seen people not only park their vehicles on public roads but also set up areas for plants or conduct small business activities, further restricting the available space.
People lack basic civic sense esp. when parking in public places. They feel they are the dons and own the street and the space and haphazardly park and forget without even caring about others vehicles.

If you have a 2 wheeler and when some idiot parks his 4 wheeler right behind your bike and there's no way out to get your bike from there then in such situations my friend usually deflate tires of such vehicles.
And what I do is I always carry a white marker and write a brief annoying insulting message on both his front and back screen! Reading which people laugh and that poor owner gets embarrassed, ashamed, angry or whatever he want to feel!

If some idiot parks his 2 wheeler touching rear/front of my car so close that it impossible to get the car off that gap then I drag such 2 wheelers right in middle of the road and even deflate the tires. The rest is taken care by the ongoing traffic and people!

If you find these methods too rude and too much well these are the only ways one can teach these idiots some lessons! I dont care what the surrounding cctvs catch as these a**les aren't gonna complain as they know its their fault and what they got is a big bonus in return! More to that if someone can do this to them they can imagine what comes next if they even dare to complain!
Whatever happens, don't go for aggressive approach or vandalism.
I've seen two instances where, a man deflated a car owner's tires for parking near his compound wall, leading to police involvement where he had to apologize and get scolded; while in another, the car belonged to an influential rowdy and the house guy didn't know, this escalated so much tensions.
I am a peaceful and respected guy so don't want to do anything violent but there is a limit for everything. Anyways won't do anything stupid also Its been 5 days the guy made 3 rounds where he would comeback at middle of a night to park again I can only confirm this with the cctv but haven't been able to talk to him once.

Get a wheel dolly for few thousand rupees. It'll help you move those cars just enough to clear your driveway.
this won't work as the pathway between my property and the road is uneven.
Agree with your statement. Many people don’t create parking space within their property and instead occupy the public road outside their gate, which narrows the lanes. In some lanes in Hyderabad, I’ve even seen people not only park their vehicles on public roads but also set up areas for plants or conduct small business activities, further restricting the available space.
Here in Lucknow people park there cars right in the middle of a main road if there is a flyover bridge making the double lane road as a single lane and the rest will park on the pathway
You could try your city's police department, if they're active on social media:


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