PC Peripherals imported PSU after Jan 1st


Have anyone imported PSU from foreign countries to India after Jan 1... Got an email from seasonic, that all imported PSU needs to comply with BIS standards. Require a certification for it. If not will be ceized at customs. Any practical experience if that is implemented?
Not only psu, lot of other electronic components and even mobiles come under the compulsory certification category. This was done so that cheap chinese imports which do not comply with any standards don't play havoc with local market.
What local market? Everything is made in china. Is there even a single indian made PSU? This is just more govt. BS to harass people..[DOUBLEPOST=1485863107][/DOUBLEPOST]Reminds me of the helmets issue where even DOT/ECE helmets weren't 'allowed' just because they weren't marked ISI.