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[USER=49847]@powervgx[/USER] You continue to just assume things.

All I mean is, you share valid concerns about these supplements but merge them with a few assumptions. That's what I pointed out here -

All I meant there was, supplements having adverse effects doesn't necessarily mean that

Now, I don't claim that it does; nor do I claim that I know about all this; just that the latter can't be reasoned by the former. But, you continued to make further assumptions about religious or cultural influence. I tried explaining again -

But, you're still continuing to make assumptions -

I never said any of this. You are straight-up changing my words here.

Granted, I didn't know about all these supplements available for anyone without a prescription. I didn't know people just buy these supplements out of their own whim. My experience with these has only been from those door-to-door salesmen selling such products from Amway and other similar corporations.