India V Pakistan VIP ticket (Priceless)


Thought of posting today's match tickets in this section.

Me and 10 of my friend's going for the semis here in Mohali (VIP passes, only for PCA members)

Amount : PRICELESS :)

Iphone 4, Ipad, Macbook Pro, XBOX,PS4 are just toys, going for this match is moment to remember forever. :D

Hope India wins this match... :cheers:
India has not won a match against pak at this venue.
If india does not win this time we now know who to blame for the loss :p.
Jokes apart have a good time there (aur team ko jita ke aana)
And i hope Sachin scores a mind blowing 100, wins the game for us and shuts up the debate forever.

Carries on the same assignment in the Finals.. relives the Sharjah twin tornado memories.

Amen to that.
rocker123 said:
Iphone 4, Ipad, Macbook Pro, XBOX,PS4 are just toys, going for this match is moment to remember forever. :D
Can't agree. Infact this few hour match will have nothing impact in our life. Well whoever wins or looses nothing is going to impact on our personal life.

Whereas getting few gadgets selling that pass can prove fruitful :p

Cant be more wrong. Watching a match of such epic proportions with a bunch of friends trumps any electronic item.

This comes from a non-cricket-loving person.
Agree with you both. However it is a gamble in case of a match. You may get a memory to remember for all your life or you may get a nightmare which is hard to forget. You will try everything possible to convince yourself that you enjoyed the match and whoever wins is just secondary.

Though the atmosphere will be electric!! Man I envy this tard in the first post. :mad:

Even people who have no interest in cricket are going crazy.

krishnandu said:
Can't agree. Infact this few hour match will have nothing impact in our life. Well whoever wins or looses nothing is going to impact on our personal life.

Whereas getting few gadgets selling that pass can prove fruitful :p
m-jeri said:

Cant be more wrong. Watching a match of such epic proportions with a bunch of friends trumps any electronic item.

This comes from a non-cricket-loving person.
m-jeri said:

Cant be more wrong. Watching a match of such epic proportions with a bunch of friends trumps any electronic item.

This comes from a non-cricket-loving person.
Well, I may sound like anti-India, but let me define my point. Peoples are spending lots of money on this tickets and all for a few hour match, right?? Now whoever wins be it India or be it Pakistan, will any change happen in our life?? Will it be like if India wins they will declare a national holiday tomorrow and we don't have to come to office and all?? Nothing like that, so anything happens, our personal life is not going to change for that and it'll be as it's now.

So why spend that hard earned on getting tickets and all which will have no value after the match is over.

They wins or looses they will get their money, nothing is going to happening for us.
krishnandu said:
Well, I may sound like anti-India, but let me define my point. Peoples are spending lots of money on this tickets and all for a few hour match, right?? Now whoever wins be it India or be it Pakistan, will any change happen in our life?? Will it be like if India wins they will declare a national holiday tomorrow and we don't have to come to office and all?? Nothing like that, so anything happens, our personal life is not going to change for that and it'll be as it's now.

So why spend that hard earned on getting tickets and all which will have no value after the match is over.

They wins or looses they will get their money, nothing is going to happening for us.
Good point, moreover, those tickets are going for crazy high prices. A single ticket can get one all these devices at once, :p, Iphone 4, Ipad, XBOX,PS3
krishnandu said:
They wins or looses they will get their money, nothing is going to happening for us.
It is called experiential gratification. Why do you go to a restaurant or on a holiday to a resort or prefer to ride a bike when you can afford a car. You won't remember that meal the next week. Why do you spend so much money when you can eat dal and roti at home.
krishnandu said:
Well, I may sound like anti-India, but let me define my point. Peoples are spending lots of money on this tickets and all for a few hour match, right?? Now whoever wins be it India or be it Pakistan, will any change happen in our life?? Will it be like if India wins they will declare a national holiday tomorrow and we don't have to come to office and all?? Nothing like that, so anything happens, our personal life is not going to change for that and it'll be as it's now.

So why spend that hard earned on getting tickets and all which will have no value after the match is over.

They wins or looses they will get their money, nothing is going to happening for us.
I too never get the idea behind all this excitement. Yesterday, I became very happy that our TV stopped working. I made fun of my 'roomies' that they won't be able to watch the game today. The guys took it to a repair shop and got it repaired withing 2 hours. I am sure they must have threatened the repair guy, and most probably would have bought a new TV if they couldn't get it repaired. This is at a time when our washing machine drier had stopped working for more than 2 months and nobody even bothered to register a service request online. In our company, they have put up 2-3 screens in the cafetaria. I wonder whether I will get any food today. :D :D :D
@OP: Enjoy the match and try not to bother much about who wins or losses.

@Krishnandu: just because u did not get any ticket does not mean that u would not watch the match... jus kidding :p. FYI everone has different interests for some it is cricket or cars or bikes or electronics. So to patronize this and say u should not spend ur hard earned on a match. It is wrong on ur part :mad:. Nobody tells u when we spend 45K on an iphone 4 or ipad or on a bunch of graphic cards.

This match in particular is goin to be LEGENDARY irrespective of the outcome. Anythin between india and pak always become epic. They are our rival in every field and hell we are beating the shit out of them in all the fields.

Lord bless us and make us win today man... God knows tomorrow will be a declared holiday if india wins and a day to mourn in pak if they loose... (Hope this happens)
The ticket is indeed priceless. Me and couple of my friends could have spent a decent amount for the tickets but the prices being asked for those are insane.
krishnandu said:
Can't agree. Infact this few hour match will have nothing impact in our life. Well whoever wins or looses nothing is going to impact on our personal life.

Whereas getting few gadgets selling that pass can prove fruitful :p

Seriously! get a life dude!
Watching India-Pak encounter, that too a WC Semi is an experience of a lifetime, even better if your home team wins, u'll have memories to cherish for the rest of your life.
No offence, but you have spoken like a true nerd(take it as a compliment plz):p. Step out and enjoy the world in person mate, you only get to live once. Gadgets and internet are supposed to be a part of life and absolutely not the other way around.

Couple of years down the line, u'll not even remember/be affectionate about your current i-phone, gfx card, but you'll still cherish the memories being at the Eden Gardens cheering for Sachin alongwith a few friends and a lakh other people. Let alone this WC, I still cherish memories of the Reliance Cup, Hero Cup, India's test victory over the Aussies, etc and often re-live the memories while chattin with friends. However, i do not quite cherish my previous Gfx card, cell phone etc, however passionate i have been about them while they lasted.
@ OP

Congrats mate! Have a blast! :hap2: