iPhone 3Gs users.. Need Help.. Buying one...


Hi Guys..
After trying android on x10 mini,x10,Galaxy S(Last two are of my friends), I got fed up of android.. Now shifting base to iOS...
I am going to buy the iPhone 3GS 8GB for 20K
I need your help in a few areas:
1)How is the performance of iOS5 on 3gs... I will be using it mostly for Music,videos,browsing,messaging and a few calls.. in it?
2)Is there any kind of Lag or anything in iOS 5?
3)How is the 3MP cam for occasional Clicks...
4)I have tried this and iPhone 4 at Croma and Reliance Digital..
To my surprise, on iOS 4.3 3GS was a tad bit faster than 4 while scrolling through apps, loading apps etc.. Can anyone explain why?

I dont feel that the 4 is worth the double cost,so not preferring that..
Last but not the least, suggest where to buy it in Hyderabad...
Thanks to all in advance
@RS4 After using android for an year, I tested iOS for some time.. in my experiece, it is just awesome..

I am buying it mainly for Audio Quality and the App Quality...

Can you help me with my questions?
teja92 said:
@RS4 After using android for an year, I tested iOS for some time.. in my experiece, it is just awesome..

I am buying it mainly for Audio Quality and the App Quality...

Can you help me with my questions?
i havent tried ios5,some iphone users might have tried the beta version, so we cant say for sure if there will be a performance hit before trying out the stable,final,official ios 5 release in september.
^^Cant recommend iphone 3GS at 20k :p if it was selling for 15k then it would have made some sense to go for it ,maybe you can wait for some time for any good deal on a 3GS.
I don't think buying a 8GB 3GS for 20k is a good deal at all IMHO..
For whatever reason, even if you want an iPhone. Add some more cash and get a FU iPhone 4 16gb..
Maybe a second hand one which should land you up around 25k at max..
THAT's still worth it..
I would say iphone 3gs is still a decent phone for multimedia.

1) & 2) IOS 5 should work since iphone 3gs is in compatible list. Given the features in IOS 5, I do not think it would lag on 3gs. It should work fine.

3) For occasional clicks, It is more than sufficient and decent.

4) That is actually something that I never experienced before. So I honestly do not know the reason. From my experience, IP4 seems to be faster than 3gs. But I may be wrong.

I agree with "RS4" that paying 20k seems a bit high compared to other newer gen phones or even iphone 4 selling at 25k used. But if you are set on one, then I can recommend you to check out Sulekha/OLX/Craigslist or even Member's market here. You can definitely bargain and get a used one for sub 15-16k range. Given apple products, I don't think you would have any problems. Also their support is good.

Hope this helps.
^^^But since OP using it for music, messaging, web browser, calling and occasional clicks, there is nothing wrong in buying 3gs. But the only thing is its ridiculously expensive. But other than that, it is still a good phone and also reliable in my opinion. Getting used in good condition for 15-16k is not a waste of money for apple.

For 20K there are lot of better/powerful android devices available. But it seems OP is not satisfied with using it.

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^^^But since OP using it for music, messaging, web browser, calling and occasional clicks, there is nothing wrong in buying 3gs. But the only thing is its ridiculously expensive. But other than that, it is still a good phone and also reliable in my opinion. Getting used in good condition for 15-16k is not a waste of money for apple.

For 20K there are lot of better/powerful android devices available. But it seems OP is not satisfied with using it.
For all guys.. I am not into second hand phones..

I am now saving money.. By sept,i Will buy an iPhone 4 when iPhone 5 gets released..

If price is around 30K, will go for it then...

Waiting now...
yep.imo thats the best solution .iphone 3gs is a decent phone but it will be better if you add some more moolah and get the 4 itself.prettu sure you can get it for 30 k,you will just have to search a little.
teja92 said:
One last question guys.:

Is the iPhone 4 Really worth the 35K price tag?
Not worth 35k now as it will be outdated in some time and it can be bought for around 28-29k in grey market,also apple may price it at 20k when iphone 5 is launched.
^Does it still retail for 35k? I think I saw some 30k pricing on ebay last week.

I for one wouldn't mind shelling out 30k for the iPhone 4. I've used one and can vouch for the features. I use an iPhone 3G now (had spent 25k back then!) and has lasted me for close to 3 years now. Never felt the need to switch to a better one as yet. :p

The 3GS is a decent phone and is worth the 20k price tag IYAM. If you can use some coupon and get it cheaper, nothing like it.
@Gannu.. Thanks dude...
I was actually planning to buy 2 - One for me, other for my sis
Now,I will get a 3GS, wait till Sept.. See the prices and maybe go for the 4 then....

I have demoed both 3GS and 4, and I didnt feel even 1% diff in the UI/Speed..
Only diff I could see was slightly Faster GPS lock-on,Better Cam, Better Screen(Obviously), and addition of Sec Cam and 720p recording..
Truly Speaking, I can live without the Sec Cam and HD recording.. Also the 3MP cam is Ok as I use Cam occasionally..
Will use the phone and see for myself... Thanks...
The Best Part in iPhone, that I have Observed, is better Stability,app Quality,audio quality and NO LAG...
I also want to buy an iphone beacuse of the above mentioned reasons ........... but i guess it makes sense to wait till september before taking the plunge ..... let see wht steve baba has in store for us ............... especially with all the rumors abt a cheaper iphone to be launched simultaneously.......
I would doubt the cheaper iphone being released. Most of the people who cannot afford iphone tend to buy ipod. With the release of cheaper iphone, people might prefer buying that instead of ipod.

But I think the ipod with 3g capability might get released. That is technically a cheap iphone alternative, right? ;)
yup ........ wht ever a cheap iphone or an ipod touch with 3g ....... only time will tell .......... but for a true market dominance apple has to release a product which caters to the mid and low end smartphone market.........