Monitors 40" too big as a primary monitor?


I wanted to get a larger monitor primary usage is only Gaming budget is up to 80K. Initially I was thinking of going for a 32" FullHD with 100Hz that seems about the biggest size to be comfortable to use the net and some text editing work.
My 42" plasma is not good enough as a monitor because of of its low res. But how are the 40" FullHD compared? Though it is primary usage is gaming I do need to check my mails and TE etc on that as well, and can't live with blury text.
So to make it short is a 40" screen too big to for me to replace my monitor with? Is 32" the max size I should go for or is 40" FullHD fine? I dont want any blury text.
Thanks a lot.

Com'on someone please help me out....anyone with 40" LCD FullHD...
32" would be the max that you can use comfortably in my opinion, having used a 32" LCD for close to two years, id recommend not getting a 40" as primary display, if you want , you can get a 40-42" for gaming and use it as a secondary and get a 20" lcd for your primary display to be used for checking emails and other such activities
yep totaly agree with rave... the text become really blurry if u use more than a 32 incher..

in my case i have the old samsund series 4 lcd .. and in that only the text is really blurry if u read from far... so its better to get a dual lcd set up ...
humm, already have a 24".
Now what to do? Get a 32" or 40" ?
Only for gaming I was thinking of giving away my 24" and getting only one screen.
Anyone using a 40" screen..?