PC Peripherals Is Corsair VS 550 PSU good ?


I have an old PC chassis that I am trying to refresh with a new PSU, new SATA HDDs, and a USB 3,0 expansion card. Here is my setup:

1. ASUS M5A 78-L-M LE motherboard
2. AMD Athlon II X2 260 dual processor with cooling fan
3. RS780L Radeon HD 3000 builtin graphics card
4. 8 GB memory
5. WD 1TB SATA HDD, 2 Nos.
6. Transcend USB 3.0 Expansion card with two USB 3.0 ports
7. Motherboard: USB 1.0 ports, 4 Nos.
8. Chassis: USB 2.0 ports, 2 Nos.
9. Chassis fan

Optionally, I mightalso install a 750 GB WD SATA HDD.

It bears noting that the Transcend USB 3.0 expansion card (PCI 1e) takes a Molex HDD type power connector.

I wish to aks thos who know whether the Corsair VS 550 is an adequate poer supply unit for this setup.

I do not want to ruin any HDDs because of poor power regulation.

Many thanks.
Click on this link and make sure if your PSU wattage is enough. I use a VS 650, purchased on September 2015, and so far there hasn't been any issues. Corsair is a reputed brand and you won't face problems related to quality. Just keep your bills safe in case you do run in to trouble.
corsair vs series are very poor bottom of the ocean i say.dont waste your time with those. They are packed with every height of failure with chinese capacitors

If you are going for PSU then seasonic is the best thing.it may be expensive but take it like this
Corsair vs 1/500 will fail within 2 years
Seasonic 1/10000 will fail within 2 years

Even expensive corsair psu are manufactured by seasonic.

And dont go for volatage 550v dosent necessasarily mean it gives 550W

Dont go for people who say corsair is a gr8 company and so on.corsair is great but not for PSU.

If you just do a search on google for cheap corsair psu's then u will find enough bashing.