PC Peripherals Is Corsair VX 450 enough for this configuration?


Hi friends,

I am buying a new PC.
The specifications are..

C2D 8400+
Gigabyte GA-EP31-S3G or Asus P5NE-SLI
ATI Radeon HD 4870 1GB
Corsair 4GB DDR2 800Mhz Ram
Seagate 7200.12 500GB HDD
Samsung 2233SW Full HD
Corsair VX450

My doubt is will the Corsair VX450 be able to power all these components without any problems?
Please comment.:huh:
It should be enough, but in case you are buying a new one, would prefer to get a higher wattage PSU as with a vx450, the PSU would be at a very high load all the time, specially with the 4870. Also 4870 needs 6+2 pin if I am not wrong, and this is not there on the vx450, so you have to use molex connectors.
I would recommend atleast VX550. :cool2:

VX450 will be able to provide the power required hands down, but as ur puter ages, it tends to draw more power and put exta load on ur PSU. More over VX550 would provide some clearance for a future upgrade too. with 5 yrs warranty who wants to waste it.. :hap2: