Is it possible to start a fresh career in Computer Hardware & Networking Field after the age of 30

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Hello friends, I'm from commerce background & had to take that line out of compulsion. I always had liking for the Technology & computers since childhood but could not take a step towards it due to lots of circumstances. :(

Now that I'm 32[single] & manage to earn my livelihood, really want to venture into IT & computers field but have very little idea how to go about. Its like now or never for me.
If its really possible I would love to make a career switch at this stage. I can afford to give myself this entire year of 2015.

Is formal Engg. or science degree compulsory to get into this IT field?
What is the scope for CCNA/CCNP?
Do employers consider oldie like me coming as fresher in this field? How would be the job prospects for me?

Being from commerce background which all courses can I pursue?

Can anyone please advice me on this? How do I start from ZERO?
You arent late in to enter in any filed. In fact many older people shift gears in their mid 40s so you are much younger.:)
The question is what you did till date? Why didnt you thought of changing the career 4-5 years back? Is money whats attracting you or its simply your boredom towards current job and or attraction towards technology?

Its definitely not at all late now but once you start you need to grasp pretty fast with perfection and flourish at a pace combined with the quality as well. And this is how you will be judged in your cos. or say right from your first IT job.

But prior to that be prepared for some valid and genuine answers during interviews as to why you are opting for another career at this time and many other questions you'll bombarded with...:doctor: :coldfeet:

Also mind it that in IT support in 95% cos. be prepared to work 24x7 with no fixed week offs. So its like a hell life if you arent used to work in such scenarios.:grumpy:
Now this is also a major reason why support people opt for elsewhere career in their 30s and 40s as well. :banghead:

Still if you are well versed with hardware part then you have to decide if you want to jump into software/ systems servers or networking. But at this time you have to be very very specific else you may do ccna/ccnp and later cry and again do mcse where you actually wanted to go before. So dont get confused.:eek:

Visit your nearest course center and have a look at their courseware and offering and of course any good placements they offer in the end. :woot:
It all depends on you being able to convince the HR I guess, people might be open to recruiting if you are flexible with salary and working hours, so if you take a bit of a pinch initially you may be able to do it.
From what you have said, it will be a huge step backward salary & career wise. You have to be a very brave man to do this. Although I am assuming you dont have any family pressures, I would look at this situation more deeply in terms of are you unsatisfied with your current job or happiness in life sort of questions and this is your thinking of a way out ?

You havent mentioned what you do currently ?
What I know from IT field is that it is notorious to IT professionals in the wrong side of 30 unless you are a great performer. The higher you go, the tougher it gets to survive.

Have you thought of joining a startup. Surrounding yourself with IT & technology guys might be more fruitful and you can bring your expertise in and be around computers & networking. If you can share what you are doing right now, I might be able to suggest better.
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I have seen people shifting their fields during their 40's, You're actually very quick. Age 32 isn't old, Your degree is not really that matters here but that is a necessity.

Firstly figure out what you want to do. Don't go with current scenario and say all are doing SAP for Jobs, let me do that. I know a person who is 40+ with a kid, who is still learning and working in IT Field. What do you have in your mind?
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anyone has any thoughts about SAN Storage administration along with virtualization instead of CCNA? I am not really sure about the market for these technologies from an administrator's perspective.
anyone has any thoughts about SAN Storage administration along with virtualization instead of CCNA? I am not really sure about the market for these technologies from an administrator's perspective.

Yup storage admins along with visualization migration p2v v2p etc. are very much in demand these days. In fact now cos. are looking for candidates of system admin profile having knowledge in these as well. So basically they want a knowledgeable person in a min. salary.

But some giant cos. want a pro in these technologies and ready to offer par given the expertise and exposure in this respective filed.
Thanks to all of you guys.

I'll post all details by tomorrow, expect a long essay.

I really do not know much about this field but would like to know what all option I have.
what courses a commerce graduate /non technical guys can pursue?
Please if anyone can explain if I do certain course what will be my job role say after CCNA /CCNP What role will I get & so on?

Can I do just Hardware & land up getting job & then learn networking etc.later? Earn & Learn?

I'm ready to work in low salary even if I'm able to take out nominal expenses its fine for me if this thing give me happiness. Need to decide first which line to choose. Night shifts OK! [No pain No Gain]
Finances are taken care of at least till Dec 2015. Later If need be I can even rent my flat.

I always enjoyed PC hardware,spend nights trouble shooting/formatting my frnds PC without knowing any idea about it ;)
Installing & trying different softwares, trying Linux Distros etc...

I know this is Basic & even a small kid can do it now but this things gave me immense pleasure long back then in 2002-2007. I hope you understand.
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Dude you are still very much confused. We all had some pleasure on that line some time or the other in our past. But now its time to turn that pleasure into passion and career and even more take it further to flourish into.

And for what you mentioned you will only land up with a basic desktop support job or a field engineer job. Or a L1 position in a call center.
Well it sounds good to start form scratch at least you'll learn the way upwards from here.

If you have to directly jump somewhere in between and up your pay then you better off with some pro courses.

As I advised before, visit your nearest course center and have a look at their courseware and offering and of course any good placements they offer in the end. :woot:
You are right I'm confused. Will visit some learning centre s soon... I'm aware of cms & jetking only. Can you name some more institutes?
Need to gather more info about courses..
Thanks for having patience in me.
Stay away from cms they suck totally.
Try jetking or seed if its there.
I think even Niit trains in hardware/ network. Just ask them. They used to sometime in year 2008 so no idea now.

Btw I'm also from Mumbai so whats your exact location?
Sorry for late reply as there was some medical emergency.
Let me just give you a briefing about me.

Since my 10th standard I always wanted to do something in technical field especially computers but could not pursue it due lots of circumstances. With heavy heart I had to take up commerce field. Some how I managed to pass out 12th with first class but never enjoyed what I was doing, later it was just down hill.
Somehow I managed to complete graduation with drops & large gaps in between along with some freelance sales job experience mostly financial products.

I have few yrs work experience at junior executive level in Banks & Financial Institutions but that too was not enjoyable period for me. Later from 2007 due to parents health I had to look a lot into our family business[Agro based products & Cash crops] & finally left the job & started looking into family business full time.

Now that I'm financially stable & able to fulfill the basic needs of my family, would like to venture into the field which I like & enjoy the most.

I was waiting for this time & now that I have paid up all my liabilities [housing loan etc..] want to plan something of my own which really gives me pleasure.
I have some other plans too but I seriously want to give a try & give my 200% to this IT field which I wanted to get into since last 10 - 12 yrs but could not pursue
Its like now or never for me.

I'm very much confused & afraid too so giving some 2 month to myself to collect all possible info on different courses & then decide wisely. So if any of you guys know any suitable courses for Bcom graduate with maths at 10+2 level please let me know. Do consider my age 32yrs & I do not know will employers will be ready to recruit me[even to get just work experience] even if I manage to complete course & get certifications. I'm ready to work in low salary even if I'm able to take out nominal expenses its fine for me if this thing give me happiness. Night shifts OK! [No pain No Gain]


Thanks a lot. I'm from BORIVALI, western suburb of Mumbai.

PS: There is huge gap in completing education due to Frustration, Depression,what not & my foolishness too.
My childhood life till 10th SSC was like an proverb "All work no play makes Jack dull boy..."
I was forced into many things after 10th SSC which I never wanted to do.....
First of all being in 30s is not old.
And of course you can build career in hardware networking at age of 30.
First of all get the knowledge about this field do analysis of career scope and then take a step.
Plan and then take action you will surely succeeds in your aims.
Why not open a computer & peripheral store if finance permits? I deduced that you are more fascinated by Hardware, you'll just feel at home and could make some use of your commerce skills as well.
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