Graphic Cards Is my rig balanced ?

First and foremost, replace that crap PSU with corsair vs450 or something better. Get more ram to run in dual channel (not a priority ) . Replace Gcard if possible as suggested above.

edit: i didn't read before that you are already getting a good PSU :) .
Well not to rain on your party but the motherboard doesn't exactly sit well with me.
The only lucrative feature of the dg45id is the onboard x4500hd graphics chipset and since you have got yourself an external graphics card, you most probably wont be using the onboard video.
If you are at all into overclocking or want to try overcloking then also you have hit a brick wall because the board doesn't overclock.
Even though your rig isn't balanced, that does Not mean that your pc will run slow than usual.

Just get a new Power supply Vx450.

Later, if you feel the need, get a new Gfx card, Ati Hd5xxx or nvidia Gtx3xx.
Your memory is already overkill if you are not using a 64bit OS. If your on a 32bit one then pull out one of the chips. You still get dual channel...not that it makes a whole lot of difference...just a FEW FPS more....

As Rapt0r and Sato say first and foremost change that PSU.

You did not say what exactly you do with the rig. It is unbalanced if your considering overclocking but you should be good with just an SMPS change.

Drag the 9600 for about two months more till we have Win 7 out. There should be a lot of fireworks in the graphics segment especially since AMD would want to phase out it old inventory.
Best advice? Get a new PSU and remove or sell one of the 2GB and use 2x1GB instead. That way you won't sacrifice RAM or dual channel, you'll have 2x2GB and 2x1GB = 6 GB. Don't do over 6 GB , overkill. Might come upto 5 k or less. Corsair VX 450 - 4k rest on ram.

And stick to two 2 OS's max. Use only 64 bit , otherwise you're not going to see 6 GB any day.
harmeetmatta said:
and dude does dg45id doesnt allow to overclock at all ???

well actually at this time i m not thinkin of overclokin as my cpu temps are too high....

Well there are very few intel manufactured boards that allow overclocking and the dg45id is not really one of them but since you dont plan to overclock your processor, this might not be a problem for you. Upgrade your PSU first and then if you feel like it at a later time, upgrade mb to a brand which is proven good overclocker like asus or gigabyte.

my mobo,processor,gpu temp are rangin frm 53 C to 64 C even at 5% is this high temp somethin 2 do with the config ???
well those temps do indeed seem to high,..ensure that the cpu heatsink is properly fitted on top of the processor and that your cabinet has sufficient airflow.

and 1 more thing guys....what if i overclock 9600gt...will it be a good option and can serve well for next 6months atleast...then later on i can do a heavy update ??
overclocking your 9600 will give you increase of only a few fps in games but not to worry, still will be able to play games at decent settings if not on hardcore enthusiast settings :p

If possible, get a gts 250 or gtx 260 as mentioned above.