Is my RX 6600 GPU operating at maximum potential with the DELL SE2416H monitor, I'm achieving 100+ FPS in numerous games?


PC Monitor DELL SE2416H maximum 60 Hz
GPU - AMD Radeon RX 6600
FPS of 100+ in Ultra Settings can be acheived easily.

I've encountered information online stating that I'm exclusively witnessing these games at a frame rate of 60 FPS, but I'm finding it difficult to grasp the meaning behind this.

Could someone kindly provide a straightforward explanation of this topic? Additionally, what steps can be taken to make sure that higher frame rates (FPS) are truly visible? If feasible, could you also recommend a monitor available on Amazon India within a budget of 10,000 Rupees or can buy second hand as well if great deal.

I've encountered information online stating that I'm exclusively witnessing these games at a frame rate of 60 FPS, but I'm finding it difficult to grasp the meaning behind this.
Only when you have set vsync ON, max framerate will be limited to maxium refresh rate of monitor.

With vsync OFF you will see/feel the new frame immediately. It will be stitched in with the previous frame at some point. This phenomenon is called tearing. This can be reduced with high refresh rate monitor.
Your GPU may produce 100+ fps, but your 60Hz monitor is physically capable of showing only 60 of them per second
If you get a 120Hz display with Variable Refresh Rate (FreeSync/GSync), then you'll be able to see more than 60fps

But, here's the thing: unless you are playing fast paced games competitively, you don't need a high refresh rate monitor. Heck I limit fps to 60 and enable VSync for most games to prevent tearing. With uncapped fps limit, your display will show the most recent frame generated so input latency is reduced, giving you an edge

With vsync OFF you will see/feel the new frame immediately. It will be stitched in with the previous frame at some point.
It may show half old + half new frame, but the total frames in 1 second is still 60 on a 60Hz panel
Apart from gaming is there any kind of other loss when non gaming? Like (browsing, office etc.or watching movies )

Don't remember if I keep vync on our of while playing games, I understood it should be kept always on.?
Apart from gaming is there any kind of other loss when non gaming? Like (browsing, office etc.or watching movies )
Lol bro. Films are 24fps, YT is 30 or 60 fps. I don't even want to comment on the other two! Don't worry about it.

Don't remember if I keep vync on our of while playing games, I understood it should be kept always on.?
If the screen tearing is bothering you or if you want to reduce power wastage/heat generation from GPU, enable Vsync for all games.
Lol bro. Films are 24fps, YT is 30 or 60 fps. I don't even want to comment on the other two! Don't worry about it.

If the screen tearing is bothering you or if you want to reduce power wastage/heat generation from GPU, enable Vsync for all games.
Not sure about screen tearing or how to find same
But i can definitely feel lot of heat generation from system.. when playing GPU intensive game GTA 5 etc. on ULTRA/MAX settings
Also one side of my cabinet is glass (so no way out for air/heat from there)
Not sure about screen tearing or how to find same
Easier to understand if you look at a YT video

But i can definitely feel lot of heat generation from system.. when playing GPU intensive game GTA 5 etc. on ULTRA/MAX settings
That's because you have not set a fps limiter. The GPU is trying to produce as many fps as possible, so it is always running at 100%.
Low/Med/High/Ultra doesn't matter here. It will always run at 100% and generate lot of heat
To combat this, just enable Vsync. It will limit fps to your display's Hz, reduce heat & GPU fan noise and prevent screen tearing.
Let's use an analogy.

You have an overhead water tank and a tap at home. The tap only has a big enough opening to let 10 litres of water per minute pass through it. Your overhead tank, is obviously capable of much more. So you put a wider pipe on the same tap. What will it do?

Nothing. It will still pass 10 litres per minute because that's it's capacity. If you want more, you'll need something with a wider spout.

Same thing. Your monitor is capable of refreshing the displayed images 60 times every second. You throw 100 images at it every second, it will still display only 60 of them. The rest will just get discarded.

Before spending on a new monitor, ascertain if you even need it. Just because your gpu is capable of rendering 100 FPS, doesn't mean you have to use it that way. If it doesn't add anything to your gaming experience, you might as well reduce the FPS and save on power. The upper end of performance is the most power hungry. You get around 85% of the GPU's performance at 60% of the (max possible) power consumption.
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Easier to understand if you look at a YT video

That's because you have not set a fps limiter. The GPU is trying to produce as many fps as possible, so it is always running at 100%.
Low/Med/High/Ultra doesn't matter here. It will always run at 100% and generate lot of heat
To combat this, just enable Vsync. It will limit fps to your display's Hz, reduce heat & GPU fan noise and prevent screen tearing.
Enabled vysnc while trying Far cry Primal benchmark, system still shows 100 FPS (I guess if this is normal) ?
Let's use an analogy.

You have an overhead water tank and a tap at home. The tap only has a big enough opening to let 10 litres of water per minute pass through it. Your overhead tank, is obviously capable of much more. So you put a wider pipe on the same tap. What will it do?

Nothing. It will still pass 10 litres per minute because that's it's capacity. If you want more, you'll need something with a wider spout.

Same thing. You're monitor is capable of refreshing the displayed images 60 times every second. You throw 100 images at it every second, it will still display only 60 of them. The rest will just get discarded.

Before spending on a new monitor, ascertain if you even need it. Just because you're gpu is capable of rendering 100 FPS, doesn't mean you have to use it that way. If it doesn't add anything to your gaming experience, you might as well reduce the FPS and save on power. The upper end of performance is the most power hungry. You get around 85% of the GPU's performance at 60% of the (max possible) power consumption.
Thanks for explanation in layman language..
I guess, i dont really need a better monitor compared to the one I am using now
If however, the need might arise, will keep a list of monitors ready. Will sell existing and get a new one

Came across this article:

And this suggestion:
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Enabled vysnc while trying Far cry Primal benchmark, system still shows 100 FPS (I guess if this is normal) ?
A benchmark will always run at uncapped fps: that's the point of a benchmark right? To determine how powerful your card is and how many fps it can produce. Try it during actual game play and see if you can tell the difference
Basically benchmarks allow you to easily balance graphics with stable fps. For eg instead of Ultra @ 50 fps, it's better to set High and get 60+ fps
Thanks my new laptop has RTX 3050 and monitor frequency of upto 144 hz

I don't think, if I need to enable vsync here.
It is clearly observed that while playing same games on both.
Games appear very smooth on laptop.

I conclude it is because of Monitor refresh rate of 144 hz.

RTX 3050 on LAPTOP is not that powerful compared to RX 6600 on desktop as per reviews on internet.