Is my switch gone mad?


one server, my pc and my bro's pc on network.. but sometimes we can share net and sometimes we can share files amoungst 3 PCs.. but can't share both at the same time.. i.e. internet and files..

i got a quatum switch with 7 inputs.. its an year old now.. but my networking worked fine always but since last one month.. i suspect that the switch is malfunctioning... or i doubt my networking skills.. lol.. but with simple "set up a home n small office wizard" i used to setup internet and file sharing earlier and it used to work fine..

now i can access the shared files of other PCs both client and server, but can't run the program or listen to media over there.. its like able to open those folders, navigate to the file and admire it.. but the moment i try to open them , it says connection no longer there bla bla bla.. tried all stuff - firewall, workgroup thing etc.. all on same workgroup.. should i get a new switch???? :huh:
I got a similar issue with the switch used for sify broadband, Keep getting "The specified network is no longer available" message while sharing files. Initially thought it was a windows problem cause it came up right after updating windows but it happens in xp/2k/vista too...eagerly awaitin the expert opinions
hmmm.. go check your switch settings for DHCP, moz, and client pc settings.... its should mostly be a settings problem since you are able to use atleast one at a time, therefore there is nothing wrong with the file sharing / internet sharing components..... its only something thats prevnting both running at the same time...

post a screenshot of your switch config page.. might be helpful

;) Cheers.