Monitors Is the Asus PW191 WS LCD available here??

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The Asus PW191 Widescreen LCD Monitor...
Is this monitor available in india??? Can anyone tell me the price...between this, Viewsonic 19" WS model and the samsung 940BW...Which is the better one?

I really like the pivot feature in the model...Like to work in potrait mode...

Does any other monitor fit the bill...How about the Samsung 770P

Budget is max of 18k...not a paise more...thats the max :( (So please dont recomment 2025VM :@ )

Edit: review of Asus PW 191

Thanks in advance everybody for the replies. Cheers
Just saw that the Asus monitor is around 300 Euros while samsung 940BW is around 200 Euros :O thats too costly for a 19" TN Panel...
I guess its completely out of reach then...
Thanks Radeon. Just checked out the other thread...
I guess its the samsung 770P then...

Is there any other good monitor in the same price range then??? Widescreen is not really a neccesity...I'd rather have good colours...

P.S. can someone tell me any use of widescreen other than watching movies in 16:9??
With 1024 pixels in 17"ers they do offer more height...
Thanks lord nemesis...
But i guess when it comes to choosing between better colour and widescreen...i'd rather go for colour...
Does anyone know about the exact price of Samsung 770P??
Any other monitor in the price range that has a good panel...??
Thanks for the replies guys....cheers :)
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