Is the future in Windows or Linux??...Help me out


Hey guys!!....Can u jus temme where the os' are takin us in the future???...Which will b more predominant??...Windows or Linux??...I'm confused...I mean with Windows asking us to upgrade n stuff..Will it b worth upgradin to Vista???...Or should we go 4 Linux???

And what does all this hav to do with Gamin?????????
only 1 obivious choice for gaming ATM - WINDOWS

and windows doesn't suck as much as the linux guys want u to believe....

my 2c
I guess managing an OS with so many different aspect has become really difficult. Look how MS struggled to add all the features they had promised... So I guess in the very distant future open-source will win...but until then Windows rulez!!
What do you want out of this knowledge? If you are talking about use, then you can use both at the same time.

And if you want to learn to program, use C or C++ or Java. Available on both platforms.

And if you want to do kernel coding... well, then that is tricky. I am in the same position you know.
Linux will never replace Windows on desktop. And, Solaris will become a better choice for servers within an year or two. The biggest enemies of Linux are fragmentation, lack of stable ABI and virtually no backwards compatibility. This is exactly where Solaris shines, and it's as free and opensource as any given Linux distribution now.
^^ Fragmentation of what ?? Dude there are very big companies behind linux now. Redhat, Novell etc are huge companies and they have huge might to put linux forward as a very stable server OS.

And what do you mean by backward compatibility ???

Solaris has a seperate domain and i dont think it can eat into Linux ( RedHat, Novell ) market.
server market will be only linux

desktop will be majorly windoze unless there are drivers for all hardware avaiable for linux(dont upgrade to vista unless you absolutly must)
^^ Fragmentation of distributions, support, loyal userbase, ideology, operating environment, and developers. Red Hat has been trying since 1993 and they still don't have any significant grip on the server market. Even SLED failed to impress enterprises.

On Linux backward compatibility issues: -
Ian Murdock’s Weblog » Blog Archive » On the importance of backward compatibility
Backwards compatibility: not backward at all:
On the Importance of Backward Compatibility -

and, Solaris - milek's blog: Solaris backward compatibility

Even Windows is much, much better in terms of backward compatibility than Linux.

What different domain does Solaris reside in? It makes an excelling server, as well as workstation/desktop OS. It's free, opensource and now comes loaded with development tools - all free. Corporate hourses are more likely to choose Solaris (with support) than rolling over a dozen Enterprise Linuxen and their free clones.
By backwards compatibility, I think Josh meant:

Where are the supposed backwards compatibility problems in Linux????

In the kernel there are some such problems... but not in the app domain.