PC Peripherals Issue with my computer config


My current computer config is

processor - Athlon 64x2 -6000+
MoBo - Asus - M2N -vm-dvi
RaM - Xms 2 , 1gb x2
Hdd - Seagate 160gb
PsU - Corsair vx450

I would like to know any one on the forums using the exat same config !!! becoz iam facing a problem regarding CPU processos , when the system is in ideal condition the cpu usage is as usual 4% to 7% but when an application like game or windows media players is run ( when HD video content is played) i experiance freez frames and the audio gives a crackling sound , please help me regarding this issue ...
cheaked the temps its normal , This issue also occurs as soon as i turn on the comp its not like i have to keep it running to get it , please help guys.......
try unisntalling and reisntalling the sound and update it to latest drivers available . if still issue try on one memory and check if the same issue persist or not.. also check in safe mode too.