Java book

Hey friends ,
i am an engg student and want to buy a book for java !
this is not for the course but for basic interest and i want to build my own website !
i know basic C++ , and thats it .
so a book starting from scratch will be good .
i am ok with e-books also .
thank you
If you already know programming, then go for "Thinking in Java" book/ eBook. If not, then buy any of James Gosling's books. Just google and you should find those. I am sure googling a bit around would also get you to some good online tutorials/ eBooks.

buddingwhizkid said:
i want to build my own website !

But Java alone will not help you build your website. For that you would need knowledge of JSP (again google for books/ tutorials on this topic, but only after you have done some basic Java). Depending on the website, you may or may not need JSP. If it's just a static website, you may as well go the plain old HTML route, or use any of the available CMS tools.
Try head first Java.. That book is just... different! I loved it! Although i never finished it.. find the ebook version
You may go for the following books.

Java 2 - The Complete Reference (5th Edition)

Java How to Program (7th Edition)

Head First Java