Graphic Cards Just bought a 7100GS


Hi there,

I just bought a 7100GS and this being my 1st card I would appreciate any help I cen get to increase its performance because frankly I do not see much difference between this and my onboard 6100:(
The 7100GS looks to be just a rebadged 6200.

Honestly speaking, differences from the onboard 6100 if any should be minimal.

You should've probably opted for a graphics card with a little more guts in it.

Assume you've installed all the latest drivers etc?
7100GS is meant for those mobo's that don't have a onboard GPU .. more or less like the 6100 or the 6200TC .. u could have opted for a 7300GT atleast .. , or even a 6600LE would have been better ..
7100GS is nvidia's way of fooling the customer... its nothing but a 6200TC rebadged and is pathetic as far as performance goes. As mentioned earlier, the bare minimum you should get is a 7300GT.
Depends on the brand of 7100 GS, you can OC it and get some results. its almost like a 6200 TC with SLI support and DDR2 memory. Which means it will OC to some extent and will give you playable FPS on newer games at low resolutions. Just slightly better than the onboard or 6200 TC
MaxAxe said:
Depends on the brand of 7100 GS, you can OC it and get some results. its almost like a 6200 TC with SLI support and DDR2 memory. Which means it will OC to some extent and will give you playable FPS on newer games at low resolutions. Just slightly better than the onboard or 6200 TC

Maxaxe, Does sparkle overclock well?? OT : I need some of the blades...can i have them next time you come to chennai??

Neville,What brand did you buy? How much did you pay?

Hi all, i bought it for 1500/- from the forums for a new one.


Can anyone tell me how i can OC this card?

And no iam not a potter fan. My name is Neville. Maybe they r my fans;)