Just finished Half Life 2 + Episode 1 and 2. Requesting any such similar trype/quiality games

M still pending with C&C red alert is since yr 2k12. I lost its saved game and ever since it's lying in one of my gaming drives. Lengthy game to say.
Borderlands 2 is a cool game, but the plot is really awful there. It makes you feel bored quickly. But it's not that bad for one pass. Try also Metro 2033.
1) Metro - 2033 and LL
2) Bioshock - 1, 2, and infinite
3) Timeshift - under rated and flawed, but a really great game
4) Gears of War - 1
5) Far cry 1, 3, primal, 4, and potentially 5 which is releasing today
6) Try C&C Generals for RTS and Renegade for FPS
7) Stronghold
8) Caesar 3
9) Zeus
10) Age of Mythology
11) Empire Earth series
12) Crysis 1 and Warhead
13) System Shock
14) Deus EX - I like all of them
15) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series

Not related, but also try the original Witcher if not already. If you like it, move on to Witcher 2, then to 3. :)