Windows Keyboard and mouse not recognized during Windows 7 installation

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While installing Windows 7 x64 bit onto my SSD I cannot do so as my keyboard and my mouse does not work at all while in boot mode or else they work perfectly. Right now I am having Windows 8.1 but I dont like it. So want to install Windows 7 via USB as I dont have a DVD drive. Please help me in this regard.
I believe you must be using USB keyboard and mouse. If so, please insert them in USB 2.0 slots and not the 3.0 port.
Some motherboards also support USB keyboard and mouse when the option is enabled in BIOS settings. There must be something listed under "peripherals" I guess.
If neither works, get hold of USB to PS2 converter (or get hold of PS2 KB and mouse) and use the PS2 ports for connecting the KB and mouse.
what is the make of your motherboard, most probable cause is BIOS, if your motherboard support UEFI then simply reset it, Also you can try to reset your BIOS to system default and setting USB as 1st boot device hopefully it will work. else try the following solutions taken from the following link


You may need to adjust some settings in your BIOS. Your motherboard manual will have instructions on how to enter BIOS setup.

When you get into BIOS setup, trawl through all the various menus and sub-menus and try find the following options. They might not read exactly as I've written them but you'll spot them if they're there.

Windows 7 has no need for BIOS legacy support, in fact it can interfere sometimes, so set these options:

  • Legacy USB = Disabled
  • EHCI Pre-Boot Driver = Disabled
  • XHCI Pre-Boot Driver = Disabled
Also make sure USB2 support is enabled, if the option exists:

  • EHCI/USB 2.0 = Enabled
Or if the above option doesn't exist, make sure USB 3.0 is switchable:

  • XHCI/USB 3.0 Switchable = Enabled
Also set these options if you have them, this adjusts how BIOS hands over the USB controller to the OS when it needs it:

  • EHCI/USB 2.0 hand-off = Disabled
  • XHCI/USB 3.0 hand-off = Enabled
Make sure you save the settings before exiting BIOS setup.

Legacy USB = Disabled
EHCI Pre-Boot Driver = Disabled
XHCI Pre-Boot Driver = Disabled
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