Linux Koffice 2.0.0 Released

Dark Star


The KOffice team is extremely pleased to finally announce version 2.0.0 of KOffice. This release marks the end of more than 3 years of work to port KOffice to Qt 4 and the KDE 4 libraries and, in some cases, totally rewrite the engine of the KOffice applications.

The release team has decided that the following applications are mature enough to be part of 2.0:
  • KWord - Word processor
  • KSpread - Spreadsheet calculator
  • KPresenter - Presentation manager
  • KPlato - Project management software
  • Karbon - Vector graphics editor
  • Krita - Raster graphics editor
The chart application KChart is available as a shape plugin, which means that charts are available in all the KOffice applications in an integrated manner.

The desktop database creator Kexi and the formula shape are aimed to be available in version 2.1. Kivio, the flowchart editor, is currently without maintainer and it is not certain when or if it will be released.

Our goal for now is to release a first preview of what we have accomplished. This release is mainly aimed at developers, testers and early adopters. It is not aimed at end users, and we do not recommend Linux distributions to package it as the default office suite yet.

More Info : Blog Archive KOffice 2.0.0 released
^^Koffice is a QT application and is very different from OOO.. Koffice is very light on resources..

I don't see any harm in having an alternate ! Isn't it ? Maybe upcoming version gets as good as OOo if not better ;)

Will be testing once it hits Mandriva stable repo..
Thanks for the info. Have used Open Office in the past, but nothing beats MS Office especially with regards to ease of usage. Will check it out though. Might come in handy in the setting up of a freeware system.
That's funny, I've always thought MS Office was a biatch in terms of "ease" of usage :)

I wonder if Kubuntu will drop OpenOffice and make KOffice the default to save CD space.... lets hope so...