Kollywood's interpretation of Assassins creed


Here you go gentlemen a very south indian interpretation of the classic assassins creed series ,in this version you get to see a very very prolific actor donning the Almost similar costume that ezio wore in the games.

judging from the trailer i think here the assasssin is actually a vigilante who fights against the corrupt or some bad bad persons in order to get justice.ohh he also get's to dance and grope some really really hot indian women.

below i have attached the trailer of the movie watch it but before that a word of caution that is your mind could be blown to smithereens,this kind of visual sodomising can only be withstood by the greatest ones so there you go i have warned you just think really hard before hitting the play button cause you may never know.
great find dude but i think the guys costume actually resembles altair's more than ezio's. also i cudnt stop laughing when i saw their version of the hidden blade kill that comes up during AC 1's intro video. :rofl
what crap :O. I thought they copied AC only for poster. But he is now actually sporting this costume in the movie :O. lame!!!
This was posted on several forums many months back. Infact some people even tried reaching Ubisoft through their forums to try and get action taken against this as well.
Saiyan said:
what crap :O. I thought they copied AC only for poster. But he is now actually sporting this costume in the movie :O. lame!!!

Excatly.His IQ level is something to be wondered about ,even after many disastrous flop's . Doing the same kinda of movie every time only difference being the Heroine,Songs and villians :facepalm: .
^I thought all songs are more or less the same :p and even the bad guys, i thought it was Prakash Raj in all the movie :lol:
wow, assassin with a goatee!!!
why not give him some Rolax watch and Fast Trick eyewear as well!! That would have been uber cool..
Vijay is the No.1 copy cat of Tamil Cinema ( even World cinema for that matter)

All his movies are all remakes and most of rehashes of his old movies.

Only thing which can be tolerated in his performance, is his dance.