kung fu hustle serious-lay

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hello ppl, yet another movie, yet another post.

so whats wrong (or right) with this movie

i do not recommend this movie to anyone, it is seriously injerious to health.

i watched half of the movie, and thrice i fell from my chair, laughing so had, i have to crawl to bed and close my ears.

this movie can seriously damage
- your health (if u fall)
- your funny bone (cos when u see something this funny, rest all seems "feka")
- your stomach (too funny)
- your jaw (seriouly funny)

i have been half way through, it is nice kung fu, nice computer animation, and nice comedy

recomended watch
its an amazing movie.....i loved it...watched it a few months back, the chineese version with eng subtitles...now its being released in english and various other languages worldwide...
its gonna be a SURE HIT!!!!
sunnydiv said:
hello ppl, yet another movie, yet another post.

so whats wrong (or right) with this movie

i do not recommend this movie to anyone, it is seriously injerious to health.

i watched half of the movie, and thrice i feel from my chair, laughing so had, i have to crawl to bed and close my ears.

this movie can seriously damage

- your health (if u fall)

- your funny bone (cos when u see something this funny, rest all seems "feka")

- your stomach (too funny)

- your jaw (seriouly funny)

i have been half way through, it is nice kung fu, nice computer animation, and nice comedy

recomended watch

seriously.. nice description...


really laughed out on ur description itself :)
it was suppossed to be released on the 13th..in india....but smhow didnt...now there is no info available as for when it will be released...
Yeah stephen chow movies are fun to watch ! Shaolin soccer was amazing ! New concept, gr8 use of cgi and good comedy. Will b catching this when i have time. Right now i have Episode 3 fever ! :D
wasnt tht funny except tht butt boy :D ....yea but good action...especially the sword throwing musicians.....i also saw the chinese version with subtitles....over and all good movie....a must see :)
Shaolin soccer was weird!!!!!!!!people training to play soccer underwater!!!!!!
A pizza girl as a goalkeeper , and people hitting the ball so hard that the ball tears other people's clothes!!!!!!(clothes of the people getting in the path of the football).
Can expect more weirdness here..but i'll stay away...darthcoder needs to meet darthvader :D.

i watched this movie and i really liked it but no where near crouching tiger hidden dragon.
My review: must see
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