Laptops Laptop heating issues.


Brutally Honest
My laptop G6 2005AX, bought it Q3 last year, is having overheating issues.
It has automatically shut-down twice now, which I presume is a serious problem (none of the laptops which I've used so far has shut-down by itself).
It's also affecting my gaming. The heating issue is directly proportional to my latency (lag) online. Can't play when it has heating issue. Pings are fine when my laptop's overheating issue doesn't pop up but when it does, my gawd, ping hits the roof! Crossing 1000+ in indian servers.
I've uploaded a HWmonitor screenshot, taken when it was not overheating) just to give you an idea.

I believe that either the fan is clogged with dust (cleaned it last aug) or the processor need a new coat of thermal paste.

Thinking of opening it up but I'm not good with the laptop's internal. Last time I disassembled I couldn't assemble it back. XD Anyone around here willing to help out a poor soul? :D


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My laptop G6 2005AX, bought it Q3 last year, is having overheating issues.
It has automatically shut-down twice now, which I presume is a serious problem (none of the laptops which I've used so far has shut-down by itself).
It's also affecting my gaming. The heating issue is directly proportional to my latency (lag) online. Can't play when it has heating issue. Pings are fine when my laptop's overheating issue doesn't pop up but when it does, my gawd, ping hits the roof! Crossing 1000+ in indian servers.
I've uploaded a HWmonitor screenshot, taken when it was not overheating) just to give you an idea.

I believe that either the fan is clogged with dust (cleaned it last aug) or the processor need a new coat of thermal paste.

Thinking of opening it up but I'm not good with the laptop's internal. Last time I disassembled I couldn't assemble it back. XD Anyone around here willing to help out a poor soul? :D
If you are in Mumbai, bring it over
Most probably your fans have got clogged, if you don't want to open the laptop for cleaning you must try cleaning it with a compressed air can.
You can use your laptop without baterry...and directly via...electricity....when you playing game or when you are in your home....;)
I read the manual a number of times but i still cannot open my laptop. Stuck in the keyboard part. No matter how much i pushed it just wont come out. Instead two of my keys popped out. Did i do something wrong?
The engg guy who came earlier and opened my laptop made it looked so easy. Also cleaned the fan but its not helping. So i think it has to do with the thermal coating.[DOUBLEPOST=1384961472][/DOUBLEPOST]
Most probably your fans have got clogged, if you don't want to open the laptop for cleaning you must try cleaning it with a compressed air can.
And after seeing this,
I'd rather open the laptop and clean it. Don't wanna take risk.
Anyway any delhi guy here who can open laptop?


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^^ i am afraid it's not possible to personally see your laptop. i checked with my friends for a ride to Bersarai but they are not willing to go there. i can reach NP on my own but it takes too much time from old gurgaon.
(UP: auto -> bus -> metro -> bus -> NP)
(DOWN: NP -> metro -> metro -> auto -> auto -> auto) :(

Generally, a laptop's keyboard is not required to be removed to able to reach the heat sink or processor. I checked the service manual for your laptop and it's really tough and time consuming to reach the fan. You need to take the whole laptop apart :eek:

there's another solution: If you are not comfortable with servicing it on your own, then you should take it to a laptop repair centre in NP. There's one "Laptop Engineers" shop which fixes and cleans laptops. I bought an LCD screen from this guy and saw a lot of people dropping their laptops for repair. He also performs a thorough clean up for Rs 300~500. Looks like a genuine guy to me and has a lot of knowledge. You can ask him to clean it in front of you and get some thermal paste applied as well.

address: Laptop Engineers
103-A, Siddharth Building, 96
Jaideep Bhatia: 9999889644
stallionworld at gmail
jaideepbhatia at hotmail
There's one "Laptop Engineers" shop which fixes and cleans laptops. I bought an LCD screen from this guy and saw a lot of people dropping their laptops for repair. He also performs a thorough clean up for Rs 300~500. Looks like a genuine guy to me and has a lot of knowledge. You can ask him to clean it in front of you and get some thermal paste applied as well.
I went to Laptop Engg. yesterday. Not recommended!
Here's why. I dont know how many "engg" they have but I dealt with the guy who sat near the sardar manager. He doesn't know shit about thermal paste but pretends to be an expert (the disease which plagued NP shopkeepers since its inception) which really irritated me. First, the one thing which shit dealers have been saying for years, AMD=overheating. The moment he noticed that my system had AMD components he was like "OMG!! You used an AMD chip 24*7?? Your laptop's not gonna last! AMD is bad and always overheats. You are lucky to have brought it here. And you should give your laptop for servicing regularly". Here the sardar manager even chipped in saying laptops are like vehicles, you need to give it for servicing every 3-4 months. *facepalm* Anyway the guy opened the laptop and started cleaning. He didn't do anything worth saying, used spirit (isopropyl) to clean the fan fins thats all. He didn't clean the vent and keyboard area properly even after i told him to. Dunno if he even heard me. The bastard. Also I was right about the condition of my stock thermal paste, it had somewhat been dried up by the heat. Now for the worst part, I gave my CM paste to the guy to use it and omg! he screamed asking from where I had gotten it and saying its crap and something like "chunni" (iirc its that white-stuff used in chewing-pan) and that they have a better more "solid" paste (IDK what the hell it was) and added that if i use a "shitty" compound like it (CM paste) on my AMD chip my system will overheat and damage it. That was my patience-limit breaker. I told the guy to shut-up, use my CM paste and do his work properly. I wont be lying if i say my friend stopped me from punching that guy's face. I mean he said CM paste was crap then what about the el-cheapo 20 bucks stuff which they used? Tier-1 product? You tell me. He also didn't apply the paste like I wanted. He started assembling back the laptop. IDK if he was blind but he didn't clean the bottom vent located on the laptop. I reminded him about this and thought he would do it later but didn't. The guy stopped talking to me. I just wanted to return home so without further irritation and after checking the laptop's temp and found it was good i paid the money and left.

Now once i reached home i switched-on my laptop and let it run for a few minutes. Then it auto-shutdown. On booting it I got a BSOD with said something like "laptop's heatsink is not connected" and I was in a fit of rage. The retarded and clumsy "engg" forgot to connect the heat-sink wire! I would've been screwed if it had not been for my friend who happened to know how to open my laptop (he never said anything in the first place! -_-) and said he has opened his a couple of times. After opening the laptop we found out that the nehruplace servicing guy forgot to connect the wire. I had to re-do the laptop cleaning myself.

In short if anyone is cautious like me then "customer satisfaction" doesn't exist! Even if they assure you that they will do everything in front of you the work which they carry out is utter-crap! Conclusion the 300 bucks which I paid for was definitely NOT well-spent.

So avoid this "Laptop Engineers" repair center. Try others.

PS: added a screeny of my new temp. Solved.


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^^ that was an eye opener! i've never approached electronics/computer dealers for anything else apart from buying stuff. so these repair guys must've been fleecing customers for ages (AMD overheating etc).
so these repair guys must've been fleecing customers for ages (AMD overheating etc).
Yeah. Its an easy money for them and made even easier by us who approach them for minor services. They easily earn 300 bucks (minimum) in 5-10 mins.
Not to forget the customer-seekers which they send out have no public etiquette. They will forcibly pull you by your hand or clothes. I shouted at 2-3 of them yesterday.
Didn't know that friend took a photo. This was what happened after I got home.


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