Monitors Large LCD monitor: Which one?


I'm looking to buy a large LCD monitor within the next two months.

The size category is anywhere between 24 and 30 inches. I cannot afford to spend more than 40,000~45,000. I can get the product from the US as someone is willing to carry it down from there.

My questions are:

1) Buy from US or India? Why? How important is warranty for a monitor? How does the zero dead pixel thing work?
2) I game a lot, so 2560 x 1600 is a little steep for any graphics card - don't want to go crazy, 1920 x 1200 will suffice
3) 8-bit panel a must. No TN. Looking at MVA, PVA, IPS panels. Suggest choices and links
4) 24 or 27 inch, cannot decide?
5) Uses -> gaming 45%, movies 30%, internet 15%, music 10% - obviously the last two do not affect my choice in any way, but the first two do. Input lag is a sore point for me.
6) Would like features like tilt, swivel, vertical orientation etc.
7) If I can get something below 40,000 in India and abroad please give preference to a local purchase.

Currently I'm looking at:

Dell 2709W, 2408WFP, U2410, HP 2475. Can anyone add to this list? Or help me decide from these?

well how far will u sit from the monitor.30inch size lcds at typical viewing distance,may cause some strain for ur eyes,unless u compensate by increasing the viewing distance.
the IPS based monitors like the above suggested dell U2410 will have low input lag,thats a great choice for games.
but if u want a larger one i think its better to get a lcd tv like the sony 32V550A costs around 43k.this one has a AMVA panel so it has lower input lag then SPVA based ,still won't be as good as IPS based interms of input lag,but still is quite low inuff for the best of the gamers.It however has a very high contrast ratio around 100+% more then IPS based,which is great for movies.
OK What about the Dell 2709? Is that no good? As a comparison I mean. Wouldn't it be better for movies and such being a PVA? Or am I mistaken in assuming this?

I will sit close to the display so LCD TVs may not be such a good idea. Max viewing distance will be 6 feet, for movies. For gaming max distance is 25 inches, or 2.5 feet.
Vandal said:
OK What about the Dell 2709? Is that no good? As a comparison I mean. Wouldn't it be better for movies and such being a PVA? Or am I mistaken in assuming this?

it would have been better but only if your not going to game online

2408WFP has a input lag of 64ms & 2707WFP has a input lag of 46ms so i do not think 2709WFP will be any better
What's the difference between online and offline gaming? Unless you are referring to pro gaming where input lag matters? Do not game online much ;) maybe like 4-5 hours a month.
Vandal said:
OK What about the Dell 2709? Is that no good? As a comparison I mean. Wouldn't it be better for movies and such being a PVA? Or am I mistaken in assuming this?

I will sit close to the display so LCD TVs may not be such a good idea. Max viewing distance will be 6 feet, for movies. For gaming max distance is 25 inches, or 2.5 feet.

well at 25" viewing distance,IMO u should get a 24" lcd like the dell U2410.
the 2709 will also be great for movies due to the size and contrast edge compared to the 24" IPS based dell.increase ur viewing distance to about 33" u will be fine with a 27inch lcd.
however at 6 feet a 32inch FHD lcd is better.
@Vandal - If you don't game much, 2408 might appeal to you. 2408 rev A02 has avg input lag of around 32ms ~ 2 frames, according to reports. It might just be going at some bargain price due to the presence of new panel.

Udit: How is your Philips panel? Do you really notice any lags? Isn't this the same panel as HP2475w?
Adder thanks, very helpful. Udit - what's wrong with your monitor? Why u selling ;)

Leaning towards the 2709 ATM. However I might go for an IPS based one if I get it cheap ;) Udits deal is good. PM discussion pal?
dekruzader said:
Udit: How is your Philips panel? Do you really notice any lags? Isn't this the same panel as HP2475w?

I can't notice any ghosting or input lag
ya it's the same panel as HP LP2475w

Vandal said:
Adder thanks, very helpful. Udit - what's wrong with your monitor? Why u selling ;)

Leaning towards the 2709 ATM. However I might go for an IPS based one if I get it cheap ;) Udits deal is good. PM discussion pal?

I'm selling as I got a Sony KLV-32W550A as my monitor
anyways it's sold
if the buyer backs out on Friday I'll contact you