Monitors LCD/Plasma as Monitor

Hello All,

I have been thinking of buying a good monitor which is good for color reproduction and playing games too and shortlisted Dell2209WA and Dell S2409w but i am confused. Now i am thinking of using A LCD/Plasma as a display. What would be Advan and Disadvan of the same. Is it a good Idea to do so?
piyush7243 said:
Hello All,

I have been thinking of buying a good monitor which is good for color reproduction and playing games too and shortlisted Dell2209WA and Dell S2409w but i am confused. Now i am thinking of using A LCD/Plasma as a display. What would be Advan and Disadvan of the same. Is it a good Idea to do so?

well u can use a lcd tv as a monitor,but i wouldn't use a plasma as a monitor,chances of burn IN are still there in plasma,even if u don't get a burn in u can still see temporary image retention.
the dell 2209wa however is a excellent choice.
Don't even think about using plasma as a computer monitor... I have a plasma and I connect it to my laptop when I want to watch some rips n stuff ...thats about it.