Monitors LCD Problem !?

Culprit: Dell E228WFP


Everytime I turn on my ups(mains),the monitor just flashes for a second and goes back to normal,even before I turn it on !

Other than that,it doesn't affect the display as such !

I've read it could a problem with the monitor's inverter/transistor...

Do I need to worry about this ???


Update: Think this problem is called "Power Blink" or "Power Flash"..

Also,I used to hear a few creak like sounds from the monitor at varied intervals.

One fine day,i just pressed the casing edge on all four sides thinking it could be a problem with the case fitting.

Haven't heard any sounds until now but who knows???

One word.Strange !

The creaking sounds are because the temperature of the monitor changes when it's turned on or off, and though disconcerting, is normal.
The casing is made of plastic, and if you press it, it will yield. Just because it gives under pressure doesn't mean it's not fitted properly.

The 'Power Blink' or 'Power Flash' problem you're talking about isn't something I can help you with. But it seems to me if your monitor is working perfectly in all other respects, it should mean it's working fine.
iamddevil said:
The creaking sounds are because the temperature of the monitor changes when it's turned on or off, and though disconcerting, is normal.

The casing is made of plastic, and if you press it, it will yield. Just because it gives under pressure doesn't mean it's not fitted properly.

The 'Power Blink' or 'Power Flash' problem you're talking about isn't something I can help you with. But it seems to me if your monitor is working perfectly in all other respects, it should mean it's working fine.

well i was just trying to come up with some conclusion..

thnx for the sorting that out !

And yeah my monitor is working fine in all other respects but the fact that the display flashes when I turn the mains on,clearly indicating some component gone bad/failing,has gotten me worried about its protection against any short-circuiting/electrical damages.. :huh: