Monitors LCD suggestion


Mid to High-end LCD suggestion

I am currently using Samsung 26" LCD TV as display. Its 3 years old. Recently I've noticed visible ghosting in it during PC mode while scrolling text. Moreover as it is 3 years and I upgraded my system during 2008, this and the speakers were the only part retained so now its time to get an overhaul.
As researched by me, anything above 24inch is damn costly. Although I don't have a fixed budget as of yet but I can splurge if I have to. :eek:hyeah:
My uses primarily are:
  1. Gaming, so need low response times
  2. HD movies, so color reproduction should be good.
  3. Must be FullHD
  4. Will aslo use it to view cable TV using TV tuner card so want picture quality to be decent in that too.
I have few options, the BenQ G2420HD, its a TN panel and on my lower end, the other one is Dell's Ultrasharp 2408WFP, a PVA panel but its very costly compared to BenQ one.
Please tell me the difference between TN and this PVA thingy? Which one is better suited for my case and will be long lasting? By long lasting I mean at least another 3 years or so?
Please also tell me that if I go for dual display setup consisting of 2 FullHD monitors then can I get higher resolutions like 2560x1600 on them or is it possible only on screens natively supporting these resolutions? :cool2:

Help me out guys, don't leave me hangin' here.
Well mate, its been some time since i looked at LCDs since i came here. However for the TN thingy, for your requirement i would suggest to go or the Benq since response times would be very low or a TN panel with zero ghosting and color reproduction would be gud enuf.

The other panels have a higher angle of visibility but don't justiy the increase in price :)

I would suggest the Benq for a average user unless you are a Connoisseur of panels and the best ;)
I don't think 2408WFP is available now and it's 16:10 display which means that for most of the movies, you will get those black bars at top and bottom.

but it surely is a stunning display with top notch build quality and comes with premium panel guarantee.

You can also check Dell G2410 and S2409W which are available for 12k-13k. Better than BenQ displays
I asked SMC International guy here and he told me that 2408WFP is available for 34K. Since it is a costly proposition for a 24incher, I want to know that is it really worth 34K? Will there be any considerable difference or improvement in Viewing angles and image quality as compared to cheaper 24" models of Dell and BenQ?
asingh said:
DELL S2409W ~13.8K. Why pay 34K for a DELL 24"..?

Because it has S-PVA matrix. Not the cr@ppy TN panel which the cheaper one has.

@OP- I too don't think you should go for a S-PVA over TN(2.5 times the cost) unless you want the best display out there

It does not justify its permium for normal usage like HD and gaming.

Go for it only igf you are gonna use it for professional purpose/ if u who have lots of money to spend. :D

Few reviews :;page
Well after much deliberations, I've decided to go for BenQ G2420HD as display and will be going for Aver Media TV Tuner, for TV viewing and PS2 and XBOX connectivity. I currently have HD4850. Will it able to handle games@FullHD. I mostly play CoD4-MW and usually take up a single playthrough new arrivals.:cool2:
Karthi007 said:
Not the cr@ppy TN panel which the cheaper one has.

Thanks for the nice explanation on a technical forum like TE. Now reading the review, I have seen some 2408WFP at my office, graphic designers use them. No way does it put the S2409W at 'crappy'.
asingh said:
Thanks for the nice explanation on a technical forum like TE. Now reading the review, I have seen some 2408WFP at my office, graphic designers use them. No way does it put the S2409W at 'crappy'.
I didn't use the word. I had given a @ instead of a. So technically no ;)
It was not used to offend you. If it had then i am sorry.
That's what i had said to the OP too, that unless it involves professional work its a waste of money.
Now it seems he has decided to get a TN panel which is enough for gaming and movies.
Ryunosuke said:
Well after much deliberations, I've decided to go for BenQ G2420HD as display and will be going for Aver Media TV Tuner, for TV viewing and PS2 and XBOX connectivity. I currently have HD4850. Will it able to handle games@FullHD. I mostly play CoD4-MW and usually take up a single playthrough new arrivals.:cool2:

Yes, the 4850 if overclocked can run most games at full HD at medium to full settings. COD4 will play at full HD and with max detail with AA and AF. So, u are definitely going to enjoy it...:hap2: