Monitors LCD with least strain on eyes.


In the range 10-12k, please suggest a good LCD (19inch). My main requirement is that it should be easy on eyes.
Kumar said:
any reason for not 'widening'?

I maybe wrong, but i heard that wide monitor have the same vertical dimension as the 17 inch. I am more interested in the vertical dim. Call me stupid. Maybe i am ignorant. Can you please enlighten why Wide?
If you're into CAD/CAM/CAE, or spend hours writing documents and/or source code, you may want to have a 4:3 or 5:4 in stead of a 16:9 or 16:10. Widescreen is good for movies, and that's about it. I personally cannot stand all the scrolling that comes free with it.

Both LG and ViewSonic have non-wide LCDs, and I remember a panel with 2mn response time, too.
I also feel that first keeping brightness to minimum necessary and then contrast to your liking will do. Refresh rate do not come into picture. Also try to get one with minimum response time.


Try to find Viewsonic VX922 which currently sells for about 10 to 10.5K. It belongs to their Professional series and has a response time of 2ms. It is non wide screen. I bought it one year back for 17.75K
Yamaraj said:
If you're into CAD/CAM/CAE, or spend hours writing documents and/or source code, you may want to have a 4:3 or 5:4 in stead of a 16:9 or 16:10. Widescreen is good for movies, and that's about it. I personally cannot stand all the scrolling that comes free with it.

Both LG and ViewSonic have non-wide LCDs, and I remember a panel with 2mn response time, too.

Widescreen is very convinient for people who are into software development or use any application that needs to have a number of windows/palettes on the screen. If you think widescreen are good only for movies or gaming, then you are completely wrong. I didnt get your logic at all. :S

Widesceen's have alomost become a necessity in the creative industry. A substantial percentage of our customers use 30" Widescreens for their work.
Exactly, if anything a widescreen means less scrolling (of the horizontal)..more screen estate etc.

maybe i misread something ?
I am not into software development at home, neither i do any creative work lol. Occasional gamer and mainly use PC for surfing net and watching movies/other stuff:)P). Do i still require a wide screen then?
Lord Nemesis said:
Widescreen is very convinient for people who are into software development or use any application that needs to have a number of windows/palettes on the screen. If you think widescreen are good only for movies or gaming, then you are completely wrong. I didnt get your logic at all. :S
Then I really should stop coding and become a Photochopper.

It's all subjective in the end. I shouldn't badmouth people for jumping onto the "Widescreen" bandwagon almost religiously, and you cannot flame me for not liking vertical scrolling. And mind you, not all "developers" use Microsoft's Visual development tools. There are some still using vi/vim and Emacs.

People have been blinded into believing that widescreens have more real estate, which they don't. And I know quite a few CAD/CAM professionals who prefer 4:3 or 5:4 more.

If you haven't paid attention yet, there are more games and apps that don't like widescreen than those that do. I would rather my fellow TE'ers refrained from recommending widescreens to every man and his dog.

Coding Horror: Widescreen and FOV

Read the first reply there

This debate has already been beaten to death on countless other gaming forums, mostly in a reactionary and overblow manner. For the record, 2K/ Irrational has asserted that the cropped widescreen FOV is the original, intended FOV of the game, as seen on the 360. The 4:3 FOV is actually a hack to avoid complaints about letterboxing the content on a PC screen.

Also, as mentioned in the article itself, the future is WS (as far as the larger screens are concerned) so anything above 19" should be WS.

IMHO after working with WS. 4:3 looks really odd (i should know, my home PC has a 19" Ws and the institute i go has a 19" 4:3 monitor...which looks :S )

In the end, i think the best thing for you to do is, if you can, try to use a WS for a couple of days and decide which one you prefer.
Looking at the thread starter's need, its obvious he will be benefited more by widescreen. I mean honestly there is no logic into going for a 4:3 monitor for gaming, movies and net surfing which is what the user intends to use it for.

All new games support widescreen and it DOES make for a better gaming experience.

Same with web browsing. Many sites and forums properly adjust themself to fit the native resolution these days.

The games that dont have native widescreen support or have POV bug, there are hacks and mods available for them easily these days. Just go through widescreen gaming forum and there is solution for almost every game released in past few years.

Movies, well no need to say anything.

in short, wide is good. May not be for everyone but for a home user, wide is good.
Kumar said:
In the end, i think the best thing for you to do is, if you can, try to use a WS for a couple of days and decide which one you prefer.

Exactly! Potential buyers should try both and only then decide which is good for their eyes and work. This is also the epilogue of my last post.

And there is little doubt, if any, that WS is the future. But then, membrane keyboards won the battle against the mechanical ones in past. ;)