"Life is good" is it true.


What mean by life? Is it any journey or school.
What we want from our life? Who is behind all this?

Share your experience.

Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get

Life is not predictable like a chocolate box as can hardly hope to get anything other than a chocolate out of a chocolate box and no life is not always filled with sweet things. :p
Life..... umm..,. i got a kiss from my gf... well it rocks then wohoo!!!!


SWEAT it out DUDE, go play some football... if u're any second under 16, then concentrate on computer games... these things are not to be pondered about now!
Life is what we make of it, its a canvas and we're the artist. Whether we can brave the elements and capture the beauty is totally upto us.
susha07 said:
1)What mean by life? 2)Is it any journey or school.
3)What we want from our life? 4)Who is behind all this?

Share your experience.


1) Not being dead.
2) I'll tell you what its not. Its not a question without a question mark.
3) I want you to not make threads like this ever again.
4) That's what I want to know.

Most of us have no life, just like most of us have no grammar comprehension.
I don't know but my statement might be NSFW. :p

"When you are doing d**ggy style, it rocks. When you are done d**ggy style, it sucks."

Sorry if I offended anyone, but could not resist.