
Well not Limewire hasnt crashed for me, No pblms wit Limewire, well nothing so far. well, Params, u know abt Cabos, rite? I hrd dat dere is no specific way of searching, i mean Audio n Video ..., so otherwise how is it, i hv not tried it yet...
Its good. It doesn't have specifi searches but that really doesn't matter.

Personally, i found caboos, kceasy, limewire all to be one and the same thing :p
limewire crashed and it frequently restarts on its own accord even when i don't start it. weird. so surf go for anything but limewire. i'm right now using torrentsearcher its really slow though
That's strange Limewire has never crashed on my comp.Maybe your Java runtime enviorment is screwed, try reinstalling or updating it to latest version
^^Well since its Java Based, its bound to be a resource hog, so it can make your system run slow, if u got a slow procc or have less amt. of RAM.
But stability wise, its very good...never have experienced system crash due to it.
^^ had the problem after a fresh windows installation too.
heck...installed it on a brand new lappy and crashed
argus_smith said:
^^ had the problem after a fresh windows installation too.
heck...installed it on a brand new lappy and crashed

Did u try installing/updating your Java Runtime Enviorment as i suggested in my earlier posts. JRE dosen't come with windows by default, you have to download it from sun's website