Linux linux for old pc

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my friend have a very old system, and xp is super laging on it, so please suggest Linux distro which will run smoothly on his system.

needed for basic use,web surfing and watching movies etc.

don't want any eye candy, just smooth working on his pc and want all the necessary application pre-installed out of the package(he have no knowledge of linux so pre-installed apps are must, he can't do it on his own)

system config-

intel pentium 2

512mb ddr ram

40gb seagate HDD

15" crt monitor

^^what about xubuntu?,,the above distros doesn't seem to have most pre-install apps , some of these don't even have firefox.
i hardly convince him to install him Linux, if its not user friendly or ready to use out of the box, he will not do it.
I ran XFCE on a system with similar specs and less RAM, and it was decent. Xubuntu might add a few extra services but if you disable them you should get a fast and user friendly XFCE distribution.
ok lubuntu it is then, wubi don't support lubuntu, so is there a way to install lubuntu with xp(like wubi)
I am surprised nobody mentioned puppy linux.its the best thing to run on old hardware.also a very complete software package is included in the will run off usb as also runs completely in ram and is very is a must have for anybody who wants to be completely secure with transactions will leave no trace on the pc.there are also many variants or puplets as they are called.the support from community is very good.look up on youtube for video demos.
^^ puppy linux is there on the first post in this thread of mine. But, it looks like:

lubuntu / CrunchBang Linux / Linux Mint 9 LXDE - Linux Mint

will suit zapout better.
i've installed lubuntu on his system, working smooth:)

but i miss to check the option "restricted extras"

and i can't find "flash,firefox" in the synaptic package manager

how to fix this? please help
Install restricted extras and flash in usual way. I am surprised that firefox is not there, but you may grab firefox from mozilla's original download site.
Also if you install Opera, flash will be installed automatically.
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