Linux Linux + MySQL + Putty how??

ok, let me first confess that i m not a *nix geek. so, i don't know the linux commands at all.

one of my client wants me to backup their mysql db that is running on a linux machine. all i have is IP address, username and password. i can successfully SSH/SFTP the server using putty and core ftp respectively but i don't know how to create a backup of this mysql db and download the dump to my local machine. if u know the answer, plz reply asap

Dark Star said:

So, if i run following command will it backup the mysql db into a single file?
# mysqldump -u user -ppassword -x --all-databases | gzip > / tmp/mysql.dump.gz

Q1. instead of all databases i just need only one database to be backed up, how should i modify the above command.

Q2. how i can download this dump file?
^^ As you can see in the above command .

mysqldump -u user -ppassword -x --[B]all[/B]-databases | [B]gzip > / tmp/mysql.dump.gz[/B]

Replace all by the number , I guess? Idon't have much info. abt this but that should work.

2 . The dump will be stored in /tmp folder.. I you want to change it just replace /tmp by /home or the folder path you want :)

Check where you land up when you FTP to your clients machine. GZip the backup there. This will save time for you and you can directly FTP and pull the backups to your machine.
I have found a folder on the server which has daily mysql .gz backup files. thats all i needed to set it up on my local machine. newayz, thanx for all the inputs guyz.