Logitech G15! comfort for my fingers & light me up!

yes. bought in india.. can anyone tell me wat are the functions of the 4 keys below the LCD? i wanted to buy old model :( the blue one but i am satisfied with thie one... bought this for 4.35K i asked my dealer for a GO and he told me he can come to 4.3K for minimum 5 order!
Welcome to the club. Nice buy.

BTW its only good for gaming and other stuff, and not for serious typing as I discovered, especially if you're used to smaller keyboards with less spacing between keys. I'm a touch typer, and I have a lot of key hit errors with the G15. Of course for finger typers it shouldn't be an issue.

I use a typhoon wireless keyboard and MS ergonomic 4000 for writing articles, and general typing.

Yeah, LEDs on the older one were much easier on the eyes than orange.
same here. i too made errors in the begning and still do make it. will take a weeks time to accustomed to this keyboard. and also G1-G6 keys are confusing for caps/tab/left shift-ctrl key :p this is the best keyboard to get and a true VFM..

displays tracks u play, displays CPU (dual core graph)/RAM usage in realtime there is also countdown/stopwatch and date/time with unread mails and a lot to configure! has 2 extra hubs for usb below the LCD :p
G@d of w@r said:
same here. i too made errors in the begning and still do make it. will take a weeks time to accustomed to this keyboard. and also G1-G6 keys are confusing for caps/tab/left shift-ctrl key :p this is the best keyboard to get and a true VFM..
displays tracks u play, displays CPU (dual core graph)/RAM usage in realtime there is also countdown/stopwatch and date/time with unread mails and a lot to configure! has 2 extra hubs for usb below the LCD :p

Lol. I know :eek:hyeah: believe me, I own one too ;)
Vandal said:
Welcome to the club. Nice buy.

BTW its only good for gaming and other stuff, and not for serious typing as I discovered, especially if you're used to smaller keyboards with less spacing between keys. I'm a touch typer, and I have a lot of key hit errors with the G15. Of course for finger typers it shouldn't be an issue.

I use a typhoon wireless keyboard and MS ergonomic 4000 for writing articles, and general typing.

Yeah, LEDs on the older one were much easier on the eyes than orange.

hey even i am touch typer, and after the initial problems with the keyboard, i have adjusted to its layout and do not have any problems with the keyboard. But i have my serious doubt about this being a very good gamer keyboard, since already some of the more used keys are fading....and its been like what, around 6-8 months only.
Congrats ...:eek:hyeah:.... I have my eye on a Blue G15 brand new in a store(secret loaction) collecting dough for that.....hope no one gets it before me....
The LCD and the backlit keys were major factors for me to buy it. Otherwise this keyboard doesn't provide my large hands any kind of comfort. Rather my fingers are aching if I don't leave the WASD keys for more than 5 minutes, either that, or it's my hand that's unusual.

But the bling factor takes everyone's breadth away as soon they see this one with winamp wvs plugin.

The LCD is actually useful and inspiring to me while playing TF2 (-:

here's my take on g15's keys.

i would "love" to buy microsoft's new sidewinder keyboard, but the lack of LCD won't let me anytime soon. microsoft's hardware quality is remarkable, better ergonomic than logitech. bah :(
thank you. thank you.

i downloaded more plugins and was astonished to see the features... i can use FRAPS realtime on LCD screen of keyboard and speedfan plugin etc.. :O

also the handling of cars in NFS has improved a lot!! is it cause i was using wireless keyboard before? also i am getting used to with this keyboard and i type atleast 1.25x faster than before :O

i feel that this keyboard is just built for myself and i feel like its just the custom made designigner keyboard for me :p lol
great buy there dude.. welcome to the club.. i myself own the older model of the G15 KB.. its one of the best KBs out there.. well at least i feel that.. the all the 15 extra keys come to good use for all my shortcuts.. one thing that i like bout the older model is the dial weel type sound controller and a bigger lcd disp :D .. well neway if u get a chance check out LCDstudio 2.1.. it will let u create your own displays for the lcd screen .. been using that for 2 years now.. its totally awsome..
ive got to run riva tuner plugin.. how to use it? it only diplays Riva Tuner on the LCD Display when i start riva tuner. how to see FPS/temp/clock of GPU thru this plugin? i have riva tuner statistic server in taskbar :p