Look ma i5

hayabusa_ryu said:
congrats mate. :)

ragzdiablo said:
congrats mate..awesome purchase..

xerocool said:
yoo awsome
gfx ??

thetoxicmind said:
nice purchases !

Thanks :) gfx is same 4870 :) will wait for next year GT 300 launch :p

FaH33m said:
wow :D First i5 show off i guess ? congrats !

lolx thanks :D thanks for askin on my behalf :p

sumchamp said:
^ Indeed. Congrats Buddy.

Now post damages for each stuff.

GunnerMania said:
WOW !!...thats some cool stuff u got there mate. Those ripjaws are amazing !!


Gowt1ham said:
watch?? damages

hehe thanks...
Damages : ~36k in all
i5 + ud6 == 28k
ripjaws == 5.5k
cooler for 1950

watch i got in diwali :p
err i5 omg are u crazy

u dont get i7 920 2.6 ghz with x58 msi total 25k

or i7 with x58 biostart or DFL for 28 k same price as i5 compare ;) cause i7 is overkill kick a$4 cpu and board :p

cause i5 is small brother from i7 :p

so anyway cong on new first i5 system :p
taklya finally u got it.. gonna come to ur house for dhapofying ur old components.. lolz just kidding.. by the way i hope now u r satisfied with it.. good luck man.. i wish i had that much MOOLAH!!