CPU/Mobo Looking for a good mobo


Guys PLs suggest a good mobo For my config :huh: And PLs Give Suggestion If any on The Below:
Processor : Q6600
RAm : 1 x 2gb 800mhz
Hdd : 500gb sata
Graphics Card : 8800gts 640mb:p
Psu : corsair hx620w
Sry Guys Didnt Mentions tHE reQuuires INfo

My budget is 75k For the entire comp.

Which i hve mention above looking for a mobo of abt 8-9k a little over tat will also do.

MAin purpose of the rig is gaming.

Looking for A decently good gaming rig n wanted to know if 2gb ram was sufficient or sud i looking for ram.

Finally I am THinking abt asus p5kc cud u guys comment on this

i need suggestions asap
P5K-C is a good mobo but do check if u can get one fer tat rate u'd mentioned..

BTW gauravt was selling the same mobo(not used much) fer a rate less than tat...

An alternate suggestion wud be gettin the aBit-P35-Pro board.. Not sure of the price but it sure is a grt VFM board it offers fer the performance...

2GB shud be decent if u're runnin XP coz moreove XP wont detect more than 3GB of RAM... Vista x64 requires at least 4GB of RAM fer flawless n smooth runnin.. :)

U're a gamer so I'd suggest u to get the low-latency RAMs... (Frm KMD coz he can offer u one @ a good price ffrm newegg.com...)

75k is a decent budget fer a gaming pc.. :)
go for the Abit-ip35-Pro

its an excellent board with great overclocking features. you should not have any problems overclocking your quadcore on tht board.
k1ller said:
Looking for A decently good gaming rig n wanted to know if 2gb ram was sufficient or sud i looking for ram.

Finally I am THinking abt asus p5kc cud u guys comment on this

i need suggestions asap

RAM go for 4 GB if you are goign the VISTA route its ~ 8k now (2 x 2GB)

DO NOT even think of P5K c - the reviews are not very flattering, especially about overclocking.

About the ABit Pro - if you are finicky about the local warranty then forget it, its out of your budget, go for the Abit IP35-E (7k local warranty) and overclocks just as well as the pro, but no uGuru and only one lan port, no raid either, I don't think you are going to miss any of these.