Monitors Looking for a QHD or UHD monitor with USBC Display and Power Delivery

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So I have a Macbook 12 and I looking for a monitor to use as a second display. There does not seem to be much options on Amazon for monitors which support USBC display and PD.

4K is not important for me and 1080 will be too low a resolution for a monitor. Hence I feel a QHD would be the minimum I should go with.

Macbook 12 supports upto one monitor (with 4K display). But I want the purchase to be future proof coz a year from now I am thinking of switching to a Macbook Pro and a dual monitor setup. I would prefer to carry over the monitor and adding another monitor to it.

What are the possible options and from where. Or wait till the supply chains normalize in 3-6 months?
Forgot to mention, I am not a fan of UltraWide monitors. Prefer a dual monitor setup over them. So that 34 incher is out of question. Also a dual monitor will let me half stagger my expenses over a period of year instead of upfront.
You can get a USB-C to hdmi converter and get any display to work. You need not be limited to USB-C only.
Yes you are right, but I wanted to eliminate the clutter of cables and converters, which are also expensive, unreliable and bulky. With PD on USBC I can forego a laptop charger. I have a Belkin USBC to HDMI converter. I am willing to wait a while and if even then I am not able to get something within my constraints then will most likely go with the legacy connectors.
There are few other good options Without USB -C:-
1.BenQ PD2700U
2.BenQ EL2870U
I have managed to shortlist the BenQ 3270U, which is a 32" VA panel. It does not offer power delivery over USBC but ticks the other boxes, except height adjustment which can be done using an arm with a VESA mount. I realized that once I go for a 32" monitor, I may not need a dual monitor setup anyway. At 35K, this seems like a bargain and has good reviews online.

There is a newer IPS based model 3280U, which also has PD over USBC, but its not yet launched in India I think as I could not find it anywhere. Plus I doubt it will be selling at 50K.

Will a higher refresh rate than 60hz have any impact on non-gaming tasks?

am using this one
it has a HDMI+DP+USBC (PD10W)
its a 2560x1440 with a 144 hz refersh rate

PS price is about 36k some other sellers selling for much higher prices
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There is a newer IPS based model 3280U, which also has PD over USBC, but its not yet launched in India I think as I could not find it anywhere.
Waited and got this monitor. Love the productivity improvement of the large screen, makes my WFH life convenient.

Pics are a few months old. Have since shifted my house and got wireless keyboard/mouse and an extended mouse pad to place them on. Ambient lights are not as shady as they look in the pic. Macbook is hidden behind the monitor on a vertical stand.

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-28 at 12.51.43 AM (1).jpegWhatsApp Image 2021-04-28 at 12.51.43 AM.jpeg

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-28 at 12.47.47 AM.jpeg

Had to seek professional help with the cable management. It was worth it though.
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-28 at 12.45.41 AM.jpeg
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