Less than 10K Looking for an Android Smartphone


1. Budget?
A: 3k - 4k
2. Preferred Form Factor(flip, bar, slider)?
A: Bar
3. Preferred display type?
A: TFT or whichever better for this budget
4. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them.
A: Not really.
5. Preferred input method (Touchscreen, QWERTY, etc.)?
A: Touchscreen must.
6. Camera required or not? If required, please specify type like front camera/flash/etc.
A: Don't care.
7. Preferred operating system? (Android, Symbian, iOS, Windows Phone etc).
A: Android
8. Preferred connectivity options? (3G, Wifi, Edge etc).
A: Don't care.
9. What is your intended use for this phone(internet, camera, multimedia, mails, etc)?
A: Camera, mails and internet.
10. Any other requirements?
A: Nothing specific


Hey guys, looking for an Android smartphone and budget is strictly 4000 INR.

1. it should look good, should have good design (don't care about build quality)
2. should have android
3. better camera
4. better screen and bigger the better.

rest I really don't care.

I have following in my mind:
1. MMX A089 - http://www.ebay.in/itm/Micromax-Bolt-A089-Black-Dual-Sim-GSM-GSM-/151495221517 (with coupons it will come around 3800 INR)
2. Karbonn A12 Star, 3700 INR - http://www.flipkart.com/karbonn-smart-a12-star/p/itmduwgksjf7r4ss?pid=MOBDWMQWFYACNVZA
3. Karbonn S4 Plus 3999 INR - http://www.flipkart.com/karbonn-titanium-s4-plus/p/itmef87gevhhrn4b?
To crib about android by comparing iphone :D
Spot on! only a genius can suggest to compare 3k Android phone with 30k iPhone :D[DOUBLEPOST=1419257559][/DOUBLEPOST]
Not even an A1 phone, you gotta feel sorry for them.
The guy who'd be using this wouldn't even care about updates and stuff. General public don't even make use of updates, be it OTA or usual. It'd be interesting to know if there is any report about number of people updating their phones and newer update adaptation rate