Android Lost good old default Google Photos app


On my Xperia Z3c I accidentally updated Google Photos app when prompted and the new one is a total crap with very very less editing options.

I uninstalled the whole app and now i'm without any google photo app.

I created a new user in phone itself and the Google Photos app appears there perfect but then I want it back for my Default user.

So I know its present on the phone itself but no more available for the default user.

Can somebody tell the trick it to get back on default user?

Or best if somebody has Z3/Z2 or your friends, please share the apk file with me.

Thanks in Adv.

Screenshot_2015-09-06-19-10-26.png Screenshot_2015-09-06-19-10-33.png Screenshot_2015-09-06-19-10-41.png Screenshot_2015-09-06-19-10-50.png
Use root explorer to find the apk. It should either be in /system/app or /system/priv-app or /data/app/package-name. Just copy it to some other folder and install it for the default user.
Did that before opening thread but it isnt there.[DOUBLEPOST=1441608050][/DOUBLEPOST]Anyways got it back. Removed all google updates.
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