Storage Solutions Low power file server/music player

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Greetings everyone.

I want to build a ultra low power (<10 watts) Linux based media server that will run 24/7. Do not care much about high performance since most of my media is ripped flacs.

If possible, I would like to make it an access point (rather than a WiFi client) and run DHCP server on it. The other APs in the house will work in bridged mode.

I was thinking of Raspberry Pi 2 + Wifi Dongle + a 2.5 inch HDD enclosure (+maybe a USB hub).

I was wondering if there are better ways to go about it. I have a NAS that handles the heavy duty work but I hate keeping it on all the time (guzzles power).
Buy an atom board. RPi is just way too underpowered. I have an RPi and it's good only for absolutely basic things. Won't cut in for a file or download or music server.
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Hmm. I have tried atom boards (D525 and D510) and both eat up more power than I like. Isn't there something between an RPi2 and an Atom. I would be happy if it can stream at 5 mpbs on wireless and USB.

Is Banana Pi Pro available in India?
What is your budget for the project mate ?You can definately try Plex or emby ..
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What is your budget for the project mate ?You can definately try Plex or emby ..

Hoping to set everything up (minus hard drive) in under 5k. I am willling to spend a little more to bring down power consumption.

Plex is a software. I am looking for hardware. The only two software that it needs to run are Logitech Media Server (for streaming to squeezebox) and MPD (local playback via USB to my DAC). Not interested in video (don't have a TV).

What is emby?
Ah without video, RPi should be fine. Just for audio it works great. Use volumio if you want the absolute best sound quality. Btw what dac will you be connecting?
Is Banana Pi Pro available in India?
The Banana Pro is available on ebay, as also sites like crazypi etc. I just picked one up myself. I might use it as a WiFi client and bridge it with a Beaglebone Black (BBB).

The software support is bar none on the RPi, but for audio its a bit sub-optimal since the USB bus is shared among all peripherals including the ethernet port. At least for the 1st gen RPi, I've seen people regularly complaining about audio dropouts. The BBB is supposed to be the best SBC for audio implementations since the clock signal pin is easily accessible and can be disabled so you can slave it to your DAC's clock.
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