Magzter Gold subscription Sharing - Rs.500 for one year


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I recently got to know about Magzter Gold Subscription. There is one WTB thread on TE and someone mentioned about freecharge offer but seems that offer isn't available anymore.
I know Magzter has a Rs. 399 / month subscription which can be shared but I guess that works like family sharing, so each user is treated separately.
Can we share Magzter gold subscription like we do netflix? We buy the sub for a year or 3 and then share the id password among, I don't know 5-6-7 people?

If anyone has any information about this or have any option to get the subscription for free or something, please suggest.
Yes you can share across people. I used to have one.
It comes out to 100 per month per person

whoever buys, sends access to other person email id. everyone has unique id and password after that
Yes you can share across people. I used to have one.
It comes out to 100 per month per person

whoever buys, sends access to other person email id. everyone has unique id and password after that

What stops someone from giving the id password to say 10 people to even bring per person cost down?
all about trust
works the same way as netflix sharing thread does. one id, one person using. if anyone shares beyond that, risk of getting banned is there

Also, the monthly plan is the only one which has proper family sharing but I think that one works like apple's where everyone in the "family" has their own email registered. Can the 1 year plan which costs 2000 Rupees be shared (same id password) ? I know their website says it is not eligible for "family sharing" but not sure if we can, similar to netflix.
May be with say 4 more people so total 5 people having same id password so cost comes to 2000/5 = Rs. 400 per year.
Also, the monthly plan is the only one which has proper family sharing but I think that one works like apple's where everyone in the "family" has their own email registered. Can the 1 year plan which costs 2000 Rupees be shared (same id password) ? I know their website says it is not eligible for "family sharing" but not sure if we can, similar to netflix.
May be with say 4 more people so total 5 people having same id password so cost comes to 2000/5 = Rs. 400 per year.

nope same email id shared between different people gets banned. IP tracking
@raksrules Family sharing is available as an add on for all the other plans. The add-on is Rs.500 for annual plan. Rs.1000 for two years and Rs.1500 for three years plan. For the annual plan it comes to Rs.2000 + Rs.500 for 5 members, so Rs.500 for each member.
Magzter GOLD plan.jpg

I'm in for one slot if you are interested.
@raksrules Family sharing is available as an add on for all the other plans. The add-on is Rs.500 for annual plan. Rs.1000 for two years and Rs.1500 for three years plan. For the annual plan it comes to Rs.2000 + Rs.500 for 5 members, so Rs.500 for each member.
View attachment 96857

I'm in for one slot if you are interested.

I am in. So lets make this a Magzter sharing thread.
I would love to try this for a year and see how it works out.

You mentioned me in PM that you want 2 Slots. 3rd is me. Can we create whatsapp group for you, me and 2 more folks from the ones who posted first in this thread?


Can you also PM me your mobile numbers so I can create whatsapp group and we can take it forward?


If anyone backs out I can ask one of you else as people reply to this thread, more groups can be formed. Similar to how we are doing in Netflix.
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Yes that works. Let them all respond with their mobile numbers. I will make the group in the mean time and add you.
Hi all, whoever wants to join the group please pm me. As of now, [mention]logistopath [/mention] and myself are confirmed.

I want to make sure we give chance to people who responded in whatever order.

[mention]Striker10 [/mention] I did get your pm and yes I guess everyone will have their own email id and password. [mention]logistopath [/mention] am I right?
I will include you in the group if I don't get reponse until tomorrow morning from the first responders.
I guess everyone will have their own email id and password. [mention]logistopath [/mention] am I right?
I guess so. The FAQ in their website says the following:

How to Share the Gold subscription with Family members?
The Family sharing plan will allow you to share your Magzter Gold subscription with upto 4 members of your family without any additional cost.
To invite your family member, you need to enter the email ID and click on ‘+’ button under the Family sharing option in your profile.
The invited user must accept the invite and register with Magzter to access the Magzter Gold subscription.