Master Boot Record Porblem


Okay so i thought it would be cool to have a dual boot system right? Windows XP Media Center + Ubuntu 5.1

So i built my rig myself:

Fatal1ty Abit AN8 SLI Mobo
GeForce 7950 GX2
2Gb Corsair XMS DDR500 (PC4400)
Seagate 300Gb Barricuda (sata 3.0, 16mb cache, 7,200rpm)

so i create my second partition and install linux...........everything goes great until when it restarts and i have to log in....the xserver fails and apaprently that has something to do with the GPU but i don't know what.

so its really not to important to me to have linux but it was for fun but i can't fix the xserver i delete the partition with linux on it and alls good right? wrong!

linux installed a program, a so called "GRUB installer" into my master boot record, so that assuming i had dual operating systems, i could choose which one to use.

now the main reason i uninstalled linux, was that when threw the GRUB menu i choose windows xp, the xserver failed again and i needed my windows for something later.

now i don't know much about this part about computers, so i call dell up and acually get someone usefull on the line (although i had to pretend my "sick" comp was my perfectly healthy dell but that wasn't a prob since when it comes to master boot record, XP home and XP media are the same). she tells me to use the windows isntaller disk to try and repair my first we try the command chkdsk /p

that does fix it so then i do chkdsk /r

that still has not removed the GRUB installer, and whenever i boot up, (assuming i'm not botting from the diska nd that i'm booting from the hard drive), it gives me the whole error thing with "GRUB1.5 has failed" "error 22" and then it just sits their and does nothing while still displaying this "error 22" message

i don't know what to do with any of this...worst case i can wipe the drive as i don't have any data on their i need.....just games and programs and drivers.........but i really don't want to spend all that time redownlaoding all those drivers and installing all those games..........

does anyone know what i can do to get windows to boot?

thnx for any and all help!
boot with winxp cd, press R to go to recovery console, type fixmbr. After its done, reboot to find the default boot loader.
Boot to the recovery console with bootable cd and type fdisk /mbr . it erases you current master boot record on which grub is installed and replace it with your original mbr.
This happens coz grub is installed on your MBR and still continues to search for the same bootloader even though it doesnt exist. Fdisk /mbr takes care of this problem by replacing it with the original copy of MBR
Okay, so i tried smith's thing first becouse he posted first....IT WORKED!!! thnx amillion don't know how much i am in thnx to you...just to learn more about it i also researched it....troy yours would have done the same thing..just a diffrent command thnx to both of you!