Linux Media Player,Codecs For Fedora Core 3 Linux

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I like the Xine player for my Linux box. I type some steps to install Xine on Fedora Core 3 with KDE window manager and also the various codecs like divx, Quicktime, wmv etc and how to get them working with Xine.

* Login as root and Download Xine Source from here to your home directory i.e /root :

* Open terminal and type command:
tar xzvf xine-lib-1.0.tar.gz <------enter
cd xine-lib-1.0 <-----enter
./configure <-----enter
make <-----enter
make install <-----enter
make clean <----enter
rm -rf xine-lib-1.0 <---enter

If all goes ok and if it i successfully installed then proceed.

Now download a graphical frontend for xine player. I like this one:

Actually i had to install ncurses. Get the rpm here:

rpm -ivh ncurses-5.4-13.i386.rpm

now lets install the frontend:
tar xzvf xine-ui-0.99.3.tar.gz <----enter
cd xine-ui-0.99.3 <---enter
./configure <----enter
make <----enter
make install <---enter
make clean <----enter
rm -rf xine-ui-0.99.3 <----enter

If all goes right without errors then now download the codecs:

tar xjvf essential-20050216.tar.bz2 <---enter
mkdir /usr/local/lib/win32 ; cp -ar essential-20050216/* /usr/local/lib/win32/ <----enter
cd /usr/local/lib/ <---enter
ln win32 codecs <---enter

Now your codecs are installed in win32 folder since Xine searches for the codecs in this folder location. I also hardlinked codecs and win32 folder coz some players like mplayer looks for codecs.

Now you are ready to play movies
In terminal just type command:

If you want another skin here it is:
Just inform me the day linux can play WMA files and adobe photoshop gets ported to linux.
I'll quit windows forever. I tried lots of distros and installed lots of apps but without my wma collection and WMP, nothing rocked.
For me the hardest part was installing LAMP and getting it to work.
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