PC Peripherals Microsoft Arc Mouse: Opinions needed

I'm about to buy a Microsoft Arc Mouse from the US and was wondering if any of you'll have used it before.

I've so far come across a few issues related to the scroll wheel but these seem to have been fixed in the later versions. Any other problems with this mouse? I need to buy a full-sized wireless mouse primarily for browsing. Are there any better options at this price range? I'm getting one for around $35.
my frnd has the arc mouse and he got it for arnd 3k frm ezone...and i used that mouse for sometime and i never faced ne problems....nope no issues of scroll wheel.

the looks of the mouse are great....and for that price acc to me is a vfm.....as he only need for browsing and ur getin it for half the price in US.
using arc mouse for more than a year not faced any issues so far.
but it does not work on any surface, faced issues when using it on bare table.
Also feel like it is not made for extensive use, easily develop scratches on top & back surface showing signs of decoloration.
battery back up is good.