Microsoft Windows Vista gets a virus


Malicious code published recently allows hackers to attack on upcoming Windows Vista (Code name Longhorn). The code targets new command line shell named as MONAD or MSH.

Monad is replacement of command line shell which can be seen in current version of windows. Command line shell allows users to interact with computer in textual commands. Monad is supposed to be more powerful than UNIX shells. Monad is capable of running more complex quarries from either keyboard or scripts.

Microsoft planns to ship monad in Windows Vista enabled by default , this could make outbarke of attacks on Windows Vista.
However Microsoft’s efforts can be exploited to make more and more viruses based on MSH scripts.
hell man here comes the vini even b4 vista launches..........i guess this is the real battle for ms securing the new trend of o/s....
Seems that the developer edt. copy fell in wrong hands.

It was released for software developers to product some new apps.

But by mistake fell in destructive hands and a virus is created.
You have to be careful when making a shell more powerful than Unix shells. As it is, Unix shells are very unforgiving to erroneous statements. They perform very counter-intuitive actions, and MS puts a super powerful shell in their OS. Clearly someone would take advantage of the fact that people love to run as admin/superuser.
Update :

After reports of malicious code targeting windows Vista, Microsoft announces Monad or MSH will not be part of upcoming windows Vista, instead Monad will be shipped along with the Major release of its server operating system, Windows Longhorn server.

Monad is available for testing, but it will not be released till 2007 when Microsoft has planned to release its major server operating system, Longhorn server.
Heck ! And this was supposed to be a "Secure" OS :p

But I believe, MS will beat off the initial challenges and Vista is going to be great :D
anishcool said:
Heck ! And this was supposed to be a "Secure" OS :p

But I believe, MS will beat off the initial challenges and Vista is going to be great :D
they said that about xp... and sp2 too..