User Review Mini review : iDance EB-X201

Well its not everyday when i take a risk and its definitely not everyday when that risk pays off (kinda). There are not a lot of reviews of this brand called "iDance" but they seem to have an interesting website (read: lots of girls dancing about wearing next to nothing) so i decided to give it a shot , especially after few members here like the EB-X1 series (one lower than this). So lets jump into it shall we :

Why iDance ?
Well let me be clear upfront. .I am not an apple fanboi and i am by no stretch of imagination an audiophile. .I do own a couple of apple products but i do not have an altar of "Steve Jobs" in my room. And for that matter this brand or any of its products have nothing to with Apple.
I just needed a good pair Bassy IEM's that had an in-biult mic compatible with iPad (for Siri/Google Now) and my Nexus (for voice calling). . so this basically fit the bill.

The Package :
I bought it off flipkart for a price tag of 1.5k and expectedly enough it had a more than simple no frills package complete with the headphones , soft bag , extra silicone pads and a postcard of a girl showing cleavage with a passkey of a useless (at least to me) DJ software.

Product built :
I am an ex-owner of a Soundmagic IEM and the first thing that went of with them was the wire. So i was happy to see that this had a strong woven wire which looks solid and hopefully it will last. Also, I had some issues in using the soft silicone caps with the Soundmagic and the Creative EP series. . but the ones that came with this were quite comfortable and had a good fit. Rest of the features you can read on the websites like :
  • Metal Ear Cup
  • In-line Condenser Microphone
  • 3.5 m Woven Cable Cord
  • Gold Plated Connector
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Performance :
Vocals:I listen to a lot of soulful hindi music with lots of vocals so thats what impressed me first as it was crystal clear and high notes were clear as well.
Bass : I am a big bass lover and the first thing i tried playing on this was "Man of Steel Trailer #3" with the thumps of Mr. Hans Zimmer in its full glory. Here too the EB-X2 did not disappoint. I have some experience with bass performance on IEMs and this was sitting on top. The bass was deep and controlled even though volume was not too high.
Microphone : This was one of my reasons to go in for this model. The microphone is good and is placed at a proper distance. Both the mic and the knot are fixed and not adjustable. The mic has an On/Off button which comes in handy to pause music /receive calls/cut calls.

Verdict :
Initial impressions do not disappoint and this looks to be one solid IEM. The red colour looks trendy and the 1500 price tag (Flipkart) makes it a worthy buy on any given day. You may even want try its younger brother (EB-X1) which retails at about 800 bux.

I hope you enjoyed reading this brief write-up which is my first for an audio device so spare the obvious poker face reactions please :). Constructive criticism is always welcomed.

Product Link :
Very nice review! I've been thinking of upgrading my JVC Marshmallows since quite some time.. will have to listen to them next time we meet! :)
Small crisp review.

Couple of questions.

You said you owned soundmagic iem's? Which? and, Can you compare them with regards to the sound signature please?
I had PL11 and PL30 both gave away after 4-6 months of use.

To an untrained ear such as mine, the bass in this sounds more deeper. However, the PLs were a bit more loud but that could also be because i was using hard silcone plugs there and soft ones here. As i said the ones that came with soundmagic kept falling out. .