Mining Crypto Currency ? Any suggestions for youngsters, wasting resources.. Please.


Is it preferred to Mine CRYPTO CURRENCY.. (various types) in market..
Will prefer if anyone could shed direct light on same, so youngsters investing there useful/valuable resources can stay safe..

If it is safe kindly define.. (IF THIS REALLY WORKS)..
Else requested to not waste your valuable time just replying..

Is it preferred to Mine CRYPTO CURRENCY.. (various types) in market..
Will prefer if anyone could shed direct light on same, so youngsters investing there useful/valuable resources can stay safe..

If it is safe kindly define.. (IF THIS REALLY WORKS)..
Else requested to not waste your valuable time just replying..


what is this thread supposed to be? what is happening to youngsters? why the entitlement in the last line?

1. mining is not profitable anymore, you can trade and earn a lot of money but mining is a waste of resources.

2. anyone who builds a mining rig will probably also fall for pyramid/ponzi schemes, has a single digit iq, so those youngsters anyways have no future.

3.dude we are not actually mining in real mines. no one will die from mining.