Mobile phone audio 3.5 mm pin converters

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Mobile phone audio 3.5 mm pin converters

I have seen people posting/asking for these kind of pins and ordering it from abroad from the sites like amazon and dealextreme for few dollers. But these are available locally for fraction of the amount you pay to them.

I have received few PMs regarding these converters (seeing my reply in a mobile phone thread), I have arranged these pins for Rs. 25 each to few members here.

If any body wants them, I can get them for Rs. 25 each.

I will execute this GO only if considerable number of members are interested in this, as I can not keep visiting the dealer's place for few pins and I can not spend out of my pocket for this.

Picture of the Pins:


First one in the picture is a 2.5 mm to 3.5mm converter (can be used with any phone, I suppose)

Second one is SE pin to 3.5 mm (suits almost all the SE phone?)

Third one is Nokia Pin to 3.5 mm

These pins can be used with any headphone/earphone with 3.5 mm jack

Pins are of decent quality, I have got feed back from the people who are using these pins that they are good.

Shipping Details :

I Will ship it only through DTDC.

Shipping charges as per the DTDC website: Indian Courier Company, Courier Company In India

Within City (Chennai) : Rs. 10.00

Within State (TN) : Rs. 30.00

Within Zone (south) : Rs. 40.00

Metros : Rs. 60.00

Rest of India : Rs. 85.00

(charges are for upto 250 grams, it can easily accomodate many pins)


I have only ICICI online banking. No Cash Deposits allowed. If you chose to deposit cash, you have to bear the cash deposit charges (Rs. 165 per deposit).

If anyone wants this to be listed in, I can list it. You have to bear the ebay charges (which is 6% or so), this option is only for the convenience of using other payment modes.


* Please post your doubts and requirements here in the thread, do not PM me! I will PM you if the your required items are available. I will also be updating the First Post with availability.

* YOU SHOULD find out the shipping charges to your place from chennai and add that amount to the actual cost.

* I will be shipping them only once per week, as they are time consuming to me to do it daily. If I am free, I will ship it as early as possible.

* Will be updating the thread whenever possible, by checking the availability with the dealer.

* I am not expecting any itrader rating here, as I am not a dealer. Please do not PM asking for Itrader rating for the deals in this thread.

If anyone can organise the GO, I would appreciate the Help. (I can arrange the pins and ship them, I would except someone to manage all these requirements, payments and updating the thread, etc :P)

Interested memebers:

Member id| Pin Model | Quantity | Remarks | Tracking Details

nitinveer |Nokia | 1 | |

apextwin146 |2.5 to 3.5mm| 1 |Payment Received - Shipped| C26465045

signops |2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 |Payment Received - Shipped| S37580074

| SE | 1 | |

| Nokia | 1 | |

sunny27 | SE | 4 | |

vinay_0007 | SE | 1 | |

getsetgo_008 |SE |1 | |

harmandeep |2.5 to 3.5mm |2 |Payment Received - Shipped| C26465094

|SE | 2 |

|Nokia | 2 |

vijayshimla | SE | 2 |Payment Received, Shipped|

|2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 |

Gannu|2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 |Payment Received, Shipped| C26465093

jayaprakash | SE |2 |Payment Received - Shipped | C26465097

Techie#1 |2.5 to 3.5mm |1 |Payment Received - Shipped| C26465095

|SE | 1 | |

|Nokia | 1 | |

satan2fly | 2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 | BACKED OUT|

ani_meher | 2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 | |

47Shailesh | SE| 1 |

yaju13385 | 2.5 to 3.5mm | 1 | Payment Received - Shipped |C26465096

| SE | 2 | |

I have got the connectors from the Dealer (got few extra pins, in case anyone wants to join today or tomorrow), Sent PM to all in the above list with payment details.

  • IF you have any doubt, PLEASE POST HERE DO NOT PM ME.

  • After making payment, Please send your Name (real name), Address along with Phone number and the required PIN type and quantity details.

  • If you doubt about the quality of the PINs Please do not make payment. I can not be held responsible at later stage.
  • Do not ask for trader rating, Organising this GO itself is tedious job, I am not expecting any i trader rating here.

  • Only three Pins above mentioned are available with the dealer as of now.

Oh.. I didn't know these would be available locally.I should check it up in Bangalore.
Nice initiative otherwise bro.

Looks nice and compact :)
1. Are they available for Samsung Star and LG Cookie
2. Are they of good quality, have u tested them personally, any loss or distortions

I am really interested if they are of good quality :)
First post updated with the requirements.

@apextwin146, those 2.5 to 3.5mm pins might work with iphone

@archat68, spectre: will check with the dealer regarding the availability of these kind of pins for samsung & LG phones.

@Spectre, these are of decent quality and they work well. (but keep in mind that these are chinese ones :P, we can not expect gold plating for 25rs)
Update - I'll take 1 of each of the connectors. I need them for someone else as well.

1 x 2.5 mm to 3.5mm converter (can be used with any phone, I suppose)

1 x SE pin to 3.5 mm (suits almost all the SE phone?)

1 x Nokia Pin to 3.5 mm
@gmano - Thanks for the clarifications and this initiative, appreciate that

Please mark 1 Samsung star and 1 LG cookie converters for me, if they are available - confirmed
i need one for sony ercisson. but i do not have a neft account or icici account. then how can i pay you?
Ok guys, that's all the interested People I think. Will send PM to all the interested guys on Monday and finish the GO.
Spectre said:
@gmano - Thanks for the clarifications and this initiative, appreciate that

Please mark 1 Samsung star and 1 LG cookie converters for me, if they are available - confirmed

Is Samsung and LG ones not available, could you check it and add me to GO, if available :)
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