Mobile phone with video calling


I am planning to buy a phone with video calling,
advanced features like 3g, wifi, are of not of a greater importance.

I have come accross with many phones with 3G but
no video calling, please exclude them in this discussion.

The price range I am looking for is below 12K.

Thanks in advance.
Your entire post is soo confusing.

You want a phone with video calling, but 3G and WiFi aren't of importance. How do you plan to make video calls? please decide on what you want, then frame proper sentences, or best, give us your requirements in point form.

For example, suppose, you want certain features. List them down like this.

I want:

- 3G

- WiFi

- Video calling

- Budget of 12k

Is that it?

You see nowadays a phone for 12k automatically has 3G, WiFi and the works, maybe not video calling.

I would suggest you the HTC Explorer for 10.5-11k.
Keep in mind that no other phones instead of Nokia phones are able to support Video Calling.

Let me make myself clear.

Video Calling can be of two types, over 3G (i.e. what we call native video calling) and over Data / WiFi using Skype / Gtalk etc.

So if you are looking for Video Calling over data / wifi using some app like Skype and all then almost all the phones having front camera and support Wifi / GPRS / EDGE / 3G will be able to meet your needs.

But if you are looking for Native Video calling, i.e. over 3G, for which the balance will get deducted from your main balance as a call, only Nokia phones support that native 3G video calling, and few phones of Samsung Galaxy series.

I've faced this and after a full research I got this.

NOTE : May be I'm not updated and few other phones support 3G Video Calling, but before buying do your own research by Video Calling what they means, Native 3G video calling or just Video Calling over Data / WiFi.