Budget 0-20k Mobo, Proccy, RAM under 20K


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  1. What is your budget?
    • 20K
  2. What is your existing hardware configuration (component name - component brand and model)
    • CPU - Intel E8200
    • Motherboard - Abit 35E (dead)
    • GPU - ATI 6450
    • RAM - Patriot 2x1GB
    • Monitor - Dell 23"
    • PSU - Corsair VS450(unused) + CM 600W(6 years old)
    • Some KB+Mice
    • Some so-so Cabby
    • HDD - SATA 1TB + 500GB
  3. Which hardware will you be keeping (component name - component brand and model)
    • Monitor - Dell 23"
    • PSU - Corsair VS450 (If it fits into the final config)
    • HDD, KB, Mice,
    • GPU (to be upgraded later)
    • My 8years old 4.1 Speakers
  4. Which hardware component are you looking to buy (component name). If you have already decided on a configuration then please mention the (component brand and model) as well, this will help us in fine tuning your requirement.
    • CPU - Intel i5 3470/3570 or 4440/4570 (no K) - within 13/14K INR
    • Motherboard - I have no idea. But I suppose Gigabyte GA-B75M-D3H is a good option for 3rd gens.
    • RAM - (suggest some 4GB)
  5. Is this going to be your final configuration or you would be adding/upgrading a component in near future. If yes then please mention when and which component
    • Yes, will upgrade the following within 6 months
    • SMPS -
    • Cabinet - Carbide 300/400R
    • GPU - something within 10K at the time of upgrade - early 2014.
    • RAM - to 8GB
    • KB + Mice
  6. Where will you buy this hardware? (Online/City/TE Dealer)
    • Bangalore
    • No online as of now
  7. Would you consider buying a second hand hardware from the TE market
    • No
  8. What is your intended use for this PC/hardware
    • Mild Gaming (I game on xbox now)
    • Programming stuffs - webdev, Android SDK (well, I'm bout to start :p)
    • VM - to try out Linux'es
    • Browsing + casual downloads
    • Watching HD movies
  9. Do you have any brand preference or dislike? Please name them and the reason for your preference/dislike.
    • I don't know which got bad a.s.s. etc.
  10. If you will be playing games then which type of games will you be playing?
    • FPS + MP
    • Racing - Grid, NFS etc
    • I ain't looking for the extra detailed graphics. Just playable in med settings is enough. :p
  11. What is your preferred monitor resolution for gaming and normal usage
    1. Gaming - HD/FHD
    2. Desktop - 1920x1080
  12. Are you looking to overclock?
    • No
  13. Which operating system do you intend to use with this configuration?
    • Windows 7/8
    • Linux - Ubuntu/Fedora

Basically I need a procy, mobo, RAM within 20~23K. I have a VS450 PSU, but I am not sure if it'd support the 4th gen Intels. And is it worth going for the 4th gens? (besides PSU, I suppose it'd cost more some 4/5K more than similar 3rd gen configs).
If it's worth it, I can also go for a compatible PSU now(which should support my planned GPU upgrade early next year) - please suggest one. (total budget can extend max 27K in that case) :p

I am not particularly looking at gaming, I just need some power to compile/built some apps & stuffs. (might try to cook Android :p :p)

Looking for some awesome suggestion.
Thanks for your reply.
But I'm not sure if my PSU Corsair VS450 would support Haswell built?
In that case I might get a compatible PSU - if its worth spending another 4/5K for going for a Haswell built.
Any reason why I shouldn't go for a ivy-bridge combo?
Thanks for your reply.
But I'm not sure if my PSU Corsair VS450 would support Haswell built?
In that case I might get a compatible PSU - if its worth spending another 4/5K for going for a Haswell built.
Any reason why I shouldn't go for a ivy-bridge combo?
You can go for this PSU instead : Seasonic S12II 430 -4000.
Haswell is 15% faster than Ivybridge and is the 4th gen & latest right.
You can go for this PSU instead : Seasonic S12II 430 -4000.
Haswell is 15% faster than Ivybridge and is the 4th gen & latest right.

With that Season S12II 430 - will I need to replace/upgrade it when I get a discreet GPU?
(some low-mid range GPU - something below 10K.)
But I'm not sure if my PSU Corsair VS450 would support Haswell built?
In that case I might get a compatible PSU - if its worth spending another 4/5K for going for a Haswell built.

AFAIK you can use your present PSU with haswell build (the processor cannot enter lower power states - nothing much to be concerned)
Get a new PSU when you are upgrading your GPU.
Bought the following stuffs from SP Road, Bangalore yesterday.

Intel i5 4440 - Rs 11800
Gigabyte B85M-D3H - Rs 6100
Corsair Vengeance - 4GB - Rs 2900
Seasonic S12II - 520W - Rs 4500
iBall UPS - Rs 1700
(+5.5% tax on everything.)

[DOUBLEPOST=1384064010][/DOUBLEPOST]Now I have a problem.
My old DVD drive was IDE and the new MoBo doesn't have an IDE slot.
SO it it advisable to get a cheap IDE to SATA converter? Like this
Or better I go for a new SATA DVD drive?
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Now I have a problem.
My old DVD drive was IDE and the new MoBo doesn't have an IDE slot.
SO it it advisable to get a cheap IDE to SATA converter?
Or better I go for a new SATA DVD drive?

Do you use DVD drive extensively ? If not get a converter.
I just need the drive to install OS/drivers etc and occasional data dvd burning.
I suppose I would go for a converter now. :)

You can use USB drive to install the OS. For drivers, I think you are referring to drivers present in motherboard CD. You should download latests rivers from manufacturers website rather than using the one that came in the disc.
You can use USB drive to install the OS. For drivers, I think you are referring to drivers present in motherboard CD. You should download latests rivers from manufacturers website rather than using the one that came in the disc.

Yeah of course USB is an option. Actually I had the OS in dvds and my backup lappy's dvd drive also not working. :(
But interestingly, one of my old HDD (well, my PC is been dead for almost a year and I was using the laptop), had Win8 consumer preview installed which I feared might not boot due the change in hardwares (mobo, proccy) - but it booted up. (Though its restarting every two hour :p - asking me to upgrade)